(a) With respect to land that the United States or any unit of the United States leases or otherwise holds in the State, the State reserves jurisdiction and authority over the land, and persons, property, and transactions on the land, to the fullest extent that is: (1) allowed by the United States Constitution; and (2) not inconsistent with […]
Notwithstanding § 6–201(a) of this subtitle, for the purpose of enforcing the civil or criminal laws of the State, the Governor may enter into an agreement with the United States to establish full or partial concurrent jurisdiction of the State and the United States over any land in the State held by the United States.
(a) (1) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, and for as long as the United States shall own the land, the State cedes exclusive jurisdiction to the United States over all that certain tract or parcel of land situate in Anne Arundel County, being a portion of the Fort George G. Meade Military Reservation, […]