(a) A pharmacist may refuse to dispense or refill a prescription if the decision is based on professional judgment, experience, knowledge, or available reference materials. (b) (1) Except as provided in paragraph (2) of this subsection, if a pharmacist refuses to dispense or refill a prescription, the pharmacist shall, to the extent practicable, notify the authorized prescriber that […]
(a) In the operation of a pharmacy, only a licensed pharmacist or an individual engaging in a professional experience program and acting under the direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist may provide information to the public or a health care practitioner concerning prescription or nonprescription drugs or devices including information as to their therapeutic values, potential […]
(a) An authorized prescriber who issues a prescription shall indicate on the prescription the date of its issuance. (b) Unless otherwise instructed by the authorized prescriber who issues the prescription, a pharmacist may not dispense any drug or device on a prescription presented more than 120 days after the date the prescription was issued.
(a) In this section, “brand name” means the proprietary name a manufacturer places on a drug or device product or its container. (b) (1) Subject to the provisions of this subtitle, a pharmacist, or the pharmacist’s designee, who is under the direct supervision of the pharmacist, shall inform a retail consumer to the best of the pharmacist’s or […]
(a) Except as provided in subsection (d) of this section, within 5 business days after dispensing a biological product to a patient, the dispensing pharmacist or the pharmacist’s designee shall communicate the specific biological product dispensed, including the name and manufacturer of the biological product, to the prescriber. (b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this […]
(a) Except for a drug or device dispensed to an inpatient in a hospital or related institution, each container of a drug or device dispensed shall be labeled in accordance with this section. (b) In addition to any other information required by law, the label shall include: (1) The date the prescription is filled; and (2) Unless otherwise required […]
(a) A pharmacist may refill a prescription for a drug or device for which the refill has not been authorized if: (1) The pharmacist: (i) Attempts to obtain an authorization from the authorized prescriber; and (ii) Is not able readily to obtain the authorization; (2) The refill of the prescription is not for a controlled dangerous substance; (3) The drug or […]
(a) A pharmacist who provides prescription services to medical assistance recipients shall offer to discuss with each medical assistance recipient or caregiver who presents a prescription order for outpatient drugs any matter which, in the exercise of the pharmacist’s professional judgment, the pharmacist deems significant, which may include the following: (1) The name and description of the […]
(a) (1) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a pharmacist may administer an influenza vaccination to an individual who is at least 9 years old, in accordance with regulations adopted by the Board, in consultation with the Department. (2) Subject to subsection (c) of this section, a pharmacist may administer a vaccination that is listed in the […]
(a) In addition to the authority granted to a pharmacist under § 12–508 of this subtitle, a pharmacist, in accordance with regulations adopted by the Board, may administer: (1) A self–administered drug to a patient that is prescribed by an authorized prescriber; and (2) Subject to subsection (b) of this section, a maintenance injectable medication that is not […]
(a) Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, a pharmacist may provide compounded nonsterile preparations or compounded sterile preparations without a patient–specific prescription to a licensed veterinarian who intends to dispense the compounded nonsterile preparations or compounded sterile preparations in accordance with § 2–313(c) of the Agriculture Article if the pharmacist: (1) Complies with USP […]
(a) In this section, “contraceptives” means contraceptive medications and self–administered contraceptive devices approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (b) A pharmacist who meets the requirements of the regulations adopted under this section may prescribe and dispense contraceptives. (c) (1) On or before September 1, 2018, the Board, in consultation with the State Board of Physicians, the State […]
(a) In this section, “authorized prescriber” has the meaning stated in § 12–101 of this title. (b) This section does not apply to: (1) A controlled dangerous substance as defined in § 5–101 of the Criminal Law Article; or (2) The first prescription or change in a prescription for a drug that an authorized prescriber prescribes for a patient. […]
(a) Before the closing of a pharmacy for more than 7 consecutive days, at least 14 days before the anticipated closing of the pharmacy, the owner of the pharmacy shall provide notice of the closing by: (1) Posting a notice: (i) That is conspicuously positioned in the pharmacy and readable by pharmacy customers; and (ii) If applicable, on the […]