(a) In this subtitle the following words have the meanings indicated. (b) “Affiliation period” means a period of time beginning on the date of enrollment and not to exceed 2 months, or 3 months in the case of a late enrollee, during which a health maintenance organization does not collect premium, and coverage issued does not become […]
(a) This subtitle applies to all carriers that offer health benefit plans to individuals in the State. (b) This subtitle does not apply to a carrier that offers only conversion policies as required by law. (c) This subtitle does not apply to a carrier that offers health insurance coverage only in connection with group health plans.
(a) In addition to any other requirements under this article, a carrier that offers individual health benefit plans in the State shall: (1) have demonstrated the capacity to administer the individual health benefit plans, including adequate numbers and types of administrative staff; (2) have a satisfactory grievance procedure and ability to respond to calls, questions, and complaints from […]
(a) The actuarial value of benefits provided under individual health insurance coverage shall be calculated based on a standardized population and a set of standardized utilization and cost factors. (b) A carrier shall submit any information the Commissioner may require to support and justify the carrier’s calculations of actuarial values.
(a) In this section, “affiliate” means a person that directly or indirectly, through one or more intermediaries, controls, is controlled by, or is under common control with another person. (b) A carrier may elect not to renew all individual health benefit plans in the State. (c) When a carrier elects not to renew all individual health benefit plans […]
(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated. (2) “Plan” means, with respect to a product, the pairing of the health benefits under the product with a particular cost–sharing structure, provider network, and service area. (3) (i) “Product” means a discrete package of health benefits that are offered using a particular product network type within a […]
The Administration shall provide on its Web site and in printed form on request a list of carriers, including contact information for each carrier, that offer individual health benefit plans in the State.
(a) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, a carrier may not increase an individual’s premium on an individual health benefit plan more frequently than once every 12 months. (b) An increase in an individual’s premium described in subsection (a) of this section includes an increase due to the individual moving into a higher age […]
(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated. (2) “Individual Exchange” has the meaning stated in § 31–101 of this article. (3) “Qualified health plan” has the meaning stated in § 31–101 of this article. (4) “Qualified individual” has the meaning stated in § 31–101 of this article. (b) This section applies to a qualified health plan […]
(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated. (2) “Dependent” means an individual who is or who may become eligible for coverage under the terms of a health benefit plan because of a relationship with another individual. (3) “Health care practitioner” has the meaning stated in § 1–301 of the Health Occupations Article. (4) “Qualifying coverage […]
(a) A carrier that sells health benefit plans to individuals in the State shall establish an initial open enrollment period that begins October 1, 2013, and extends through March 31, 2014. (b) A carrier shall accept all applicants who apply for coverage during the initial open enrollment period. (c) If an application is received by a carrier during […]
(a) (1) In this section the following words have the meanings indicated. (2) “Institution of higher education” has the meaning stated in the federal Higher Education Act of 1965. (3) “Student administrative health fee” means a fee charged by an institution of higher education on a periodic basis to students of the institution of higher education to offset the […]