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Section 7-301 – Meters — Authorization by Commission

    (a)    A person may not furnish or put in use for revenue billing purposes a gas meter or electric meter unless the Commission has authorized the meter’s use.     (b)    (1)    Each gas company and electric company shall maintain suitable equipment, approved by the Commission, for testing the accuracy of a gas meter or electric meter furnished by the […]

Section 7-302 – Meters — Inspection

    (a)    (1)    By written request, a consumer may compel the Commission to inspect and test the consumer’s electric meter or gas meter.         (2)    The consumer is entitled to be present for the test.     (b)    (1)    The Commission shall set a percentage tolerance limit for the accuracy of an electric meter or gas meter.         (2)    The Commission shall order a gas company […]

Section 7-303 – Submetering — Apartment House and Commercial Building

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.         (2)    (i)    “Apartment house” means one or more buildings that each contain more than two dwelling units and in which all the dwelling units are occupied primarily for nontransient use with rent paid at intervals of 1 week or longer.             (ii)    “Apartment house” includes a residential condominium or […]

Section 7-304 – Energy Allocation Equipment — Apartments

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.         (2)    “Apartment house” has the meaning stated in § 7-303(a) of this subtitle.         (3)    “Dwelling unit” has the meaning stated in § 7-303(a) of this subtitle.         (4)    “Energy allocation system” means a method of determining the approximate energy use within an individual dwelling unit by a measuring device […]

Section 7-305 – Customer Billing

    (a)    A gas company or electric company may bill its customers for gas, electricity, or any other service it renders only on the basis of the net total cost of the service under the applicable rate that is filed for that service.     (b)    (1)    The Commission may authorize a gas company or electric company to apply an additional […]

Section 7-306 – Net Energy Metering

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.         (2)    “Baseline annual usage” means:             (i)    a subscriber’s accumulated electricity use in kilowatt–hours for the 12 months before the subscriber’s most recent subscription; or             (ii)    for a subscriber that does not have a record of 12 months of electricity use at the time of the subscriber’s most recent […]

Section 7-306.1 – Interconnection Agreement for Installation of Solar Electric Generating Facility

    (a)    A person who is negotiating a contract with an eligible customer–generator to install a solar electric generating facility on the customer–generator’s property that the customer–generator owns and operates, leases and operates, or contracts with a third party that owns and operates and that requires interconnection with an electric company’s distribution facilities:         (1)    shall submit to the […]

Section 7-306.2 – Community Solar Energy Generating Systems Pilot Program

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.         (2)    “Baseline annual usage” means:             (i)    a subscriber’s accumulated electricity use in kilowatt–hours for the 12 months before the subscriber’s most recent subscription; or             (ii)    for a subscriber that does not have a record of 12 months of electricity use at the time of the subscriber’s most recent […]

Section 7-307 – Termination of Service to Low Income Customers

    (a)    In this section, “termination of service” means the termination, reduction, or refusal to reinstate gas or electric service, or any other action that has the effect of reducing or denying gas or electric service because of nonpayment.     (b)    (1)    Subject to paragraph (2) of this subsection, the Commission shall adopt regulations concerning the prohibition against or limitation […]

Section 7-307.1 – Termination of Electric and Gas Service in Extreme Temperatures

    (a)    A public service company may not terminate electric or gas service to a residential customer in a designated weather station area because of nonpayment on a day for which the forecasted high temperature is 32 degrees Fahrenheit or below in that weather station area.     (b)    A public service company may not terminate electric service to a […]

Section 7-307.2 – Default in Payment for Electric, Gas, Sewer and Water Service

    (a)    This section applies only to property subject to a condominium regime established under Title 11 of the Real Property Article.     (b)    Notwithstanding any other law, if a public service company bills the governing body of a condominium or a person designated by the governing body of a condominium for electric, gas, or water service for all […]

Section 7-307.3 – Termination of Service to Multifamily Dwelling Unit

    (a)    A public service company that intends to terminate, because of nonpayment, electric or gas service to a customer of the service to a multifamily dwelling unit shall notify the property owner or property manager of the multifamily dwelling unit before terminating service to the customer if the public service company has received the customer’s consent […]

Section 7-307.4 – Termination of Service to Involuntarily Furloughed Federal Employees

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.         (2)    “Eligible residential customer” means a residential electric or gas customer who is:             (i)    employed by the federal or State government or a local government in the State; and             (ii)    involuntarily furloughed from work without pay because of a government shutdown, regardless of whether the employee is required […]

Section 7-308 – Natural Gas Vehicles

    (a)    In this section, “natural gas vehicle” means a vehicle operated on a public road and powered by natural gas.     (b)    The sale by any person of natural gas that is received from a public service company for use as a motor fuel in a natural gas vehicle is not subject to regulation by the Commission.     (c)    A […]

Section 7-309 – Tenant’s Paying of Utility Bills Owed by Landlord

    (a)    This section does not apply to electric cooperatives.     (b)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.         (2)    “Affected dwelling unit” means a dwelling unit, as defined in § 7–303 of this subtitle, where the utility service:             (i)    is in the landlord’s name;             (ii)    is delivered through a single meter to a single dwelling unit; and             (iii)    does […]

Section 7-310 – Retail Choice Customer Education and Protection Fund

    (a)    In this section, “Fund” means the Retail Choice Customer Education and Protection Fund.     (b)    There is a Retail Choice Customer Education and Protection Fund.     (c)    The purpose of the Fund is to provide resources to improve the Commission’s ability to:         (1)    educate customers on retail electric and gas choice; and         (2)    protect customers from unfair, false, misleading, or deceptive […]

Section 7-311 – Training and Educational Program — Electricity and Gas Suppliers

    (a)    The Commission shall develop a training and educational program for any entity or individual that is licensed by the Commission as an electricity supplier or a gas supplier.     (b)    The Commission shall develop the program in consultation with interested stakeholders, including electricity suppliers and gas suppliers.     (c)    The program shall require that a designated representative of each […]

Section 7-312 – Billing Information Provided Upon Request — Form of Information

    (a)    On request of a retail electricity customer, an electric company shall provide to the customer the historic usage and billing information for the customer’s account for not less than the preceding 12 months.     (b)    The electric company shall make the information under subsection (a) of this section available to the customer in one of the following […]

Section 7-313 – Gas Service Regulator Location — Exemption — Installation Away From Vehicular Traffic and Other External Forces — Reports on Progress of Implementation Plan

    (a)    (1)    In this section the following words have the meanings indicated.         (2)    “Gas service regulator” means an instrument that:             (i)    is installed to a meter inlet to control the gas pressure being introduced into a structure; and             (ii)    includes a relief valve to vent excess gas to the outside atmosphere if the pressure of the regulated gas exceeds a […]

Section 7-314 – Maintenance of Customer Subscriptions and Contracts Following Change of Address — Accommodation by Electric Company

    ** TAKES EFFECT JULY 1, 2022 PER CHAPTERS 265 AND 266 OF 2021 **     (a)    This section applies to electric companies, electric cooperatives, and municipal utilities that offer customer choice for competitive electricity supply under Subtitle 5 of this title.     (b)    A residential electric customer who has a change in the service address associated with the customer’s […]