Section 1. In addition to exercising the powers and performing the duties which are otherwise given him by law, the commissioner of correction, in this chapter called the commissioner, shall: (a) designate, establish, maintain, and administer such state correctional facilities as he deems necessary, and may discontinue the use of such state correctional facilities as […]
Section 10. The department shall be a corporation for the purpose of taking, holding and administering in trust for the commonwealth any grant, gift or bequest made either to the commonwealth or to it for the use of persons under its control in any correctional facility of the department or for expenditure upon any work […]
Section 2. Subject to the supervision and control of the commissioner, the deputy commissioner for institutional services shall be responsible for planning and directing the efficient administration of each correctional institution of the commonwealth by the officers and employees of the institution. Subject to the supervision and control of the commissioner, the deputy commissioner for […]
Section 5. The commissioner shall, at least once in six months, report in writing to the governor the condition of the correctional institutions of the commonwealth, and shall so report to the governor when, in his judgment, the conditions of administration, financial management or discipline in any of said institutions require executive action.
Section 6. He shall make an annual report setting forth fully and in detail the actual condition on November thirtieth of each correctional institution of the commonwealth, and on December thirty-first of each jail and house of correction, the number of inmates in each, such statistics from the reports required by section eight as will […]
Section 8. Clerks of courts shall annually, on or before January fifteenth, make reports to the commissioner of all criminal cases commenced in the superior court in the several counties during the year ending on December thirty-first, and of all criminal cases entered therein on appeal during such time. Clerks of district courts shall annually, […]
Section 9. The police commissioner of Boston, city marshals or chiefs of police and every officer making an arrest in a town not having a city marshal or chief of police shall make monthly reports to the commissioner of the number of persons of each sex arrested in their several towns. Such reports shall be […]