Section 3. Whoever distributes, delivers or gives away in any public way or from house to house or place to place, any bottle, box, envelope or package containing any liquid, medicine, pill, powder, tablet or other article composed of any drug, poison or other ingredient or substance which may be in any way injurious or […]
Section 3A. Whoever negligently or maliciously places any poison or poisoned food for the control of rats, mice or other rodents in any place where it may cause injury to any human being or domestic animal shall be punished by a fine of twenty-five dollars. The officers charged with the enforcement of the laws relating […]
Section 4. Whoever, himself, or by his servant or agent, or as the servant or agent of another, sells or exchanges, or has in his possession with intent to sell or exchange, or knowingly delivers or has in his possession with intent to deliver, any article of food or drink, or any drug intended for […]
Section 5. Whoever, except under the direction of a physician, gives, sells or delivers alcoholic beverages, as defined in section one of chapter one hundred and thirty-eight, or a narcotic drug to a patient in any hospital who is suffering from inebriety or from the effect of inebriety, or from excessive use of narcotic drugs […]
Section 6. (a) As used in this section and sections 6A and 7, the following words shall have the following meanings unless the context clearly requires otherwise: ”Manufacturer”, a person that manufactures or produces a tobacco product. ”Person”, an individual, firm, fiduciary, partnership, corporation, trust or association, however formed, or a club, trustee, agency or […]
Section 6A. A person who sells tobacco rolling papers to a person under the age of 21 shall be punished by a fine of $25 for the first offense, $50 for the second offense and $100 for a third or subsequent offense.
Section 7. (a) A copy of sections 6 and 6A shall be posted conspicuously in a retail establishment. (b) The department of public health shall develop signage that shall disclose referral information for smoking cessation resources. Retailers shall conspicuously post such signage in their retail establishments. (c) Whoever violates this section shall be punished by […]
Section 8. Whoever sells to a person any candy enclosing or containing liquid or syrup having more than one per cent of alcohol shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars.
Section 8A. Whoever sells, gives, or distributes to anyone candy or other food or foodstuffs containing a foreign substance, which is intended or may reasonably be expected to cause injury to a person eating the same, shall be punished by imprisonment in the state prison for not more than five years.
Section 9. Whoever knowingly feeds or has in his possession with intent to feed to a milch cow any garbage, refuse or offal collected by a town, or by any person having authority therefrom, shall be punished by a fine of not more than one hundred dollars or by imprisonment for not more than two […]