Section 1. Whoever, on a prosecution commenced within eighteen months after the commission of the crime, is convicted of winning at one time or sitting, by gaming or betting on the sides or hands of those gaming, except as permitted under chapter 23K, money or goods to the value of five dollars or more, and […]
Section 10. Whoever, within five years after being convicted of any offence mentioned in section five, seven, eight, nine, eleven, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen or seventeen A, commits the like offence, or any other of the offences therein mentioned, shall, in addition to the fine therein provided, be punished by imprisonment for not less than three […]
Section 10A. Any person who is discovered by a police officer in the act of violating section seven, eight, nine, twelve, sixteen, seventeen, seventeen A, eighteen or twenty-two, while such officer is lawfully at or within the place where such violation occurred, may be arrested without a warrant by such police officer, and held in […]
Section 11. Whoever, himself or by another, advertises a lottery ticket or a share in such ticket for sale, or sets up or exhibits, or devises or makes for the purpose of being set up or exhibited, any sign, symbol or emblematic or other representation of a lottery or the drawing thereof, in any way […]
Section 12. Whoever makes or sells, or has in his possession with intent to sell, exchange or negotiate, or by printing, writing or otherwise assists in making or selling, or in attempting to sell, exchange or negotiate, a false or fictitious lottery ticket, or any share thereof, or any writing, certificate, bill, token or other […]
Section 13. Upon the trial of a person charged with any of the crimes mentioned in the preceding section, a ticket or share of a ticket, or other writing or thing before mentioned, which the defendant has sold or offered for sale, or for which he has received a valuable consideration, shall be deemed false, […]
Section 14. Money or other thing of value drawn as a prize or share thereof in a lottery, and all property disposed of or offered to be disposed of by illegal gaming, including games of chance or device under the pretext mentioned in section seven, by an inhabitant of or a resident within the commonwealth, […]
Section 15. Whoever, except as provided in section five of chapter one hundred and twenty-eight A, aids, either by printing or writing, or is in any way concerned in setting up, promoting, managing or drawing a lottery for money, set up, promoted, managed, or drawn out of the commonwealth, shall be punished by a fine […]
Section 16. Whoever sells, for himself or another, or offers for sale or has in his possession with intent so to do or to exchange or negotiate, or aids or assists in selling, negotiating, exchanging or disposing of a ticket, or a share of a ticket, in a lottery described in the preceding section, shall […]
Section 16A. Whoever knowingly organizes, supervises, manages or finances at least four persons so that such persons may provide facilities or services or assist in the provision of facilities or services for the conduct of illegal lotteries, or for the illegal registration of bets or the illegal buying or selling of pools upon the result […]
Section 17. Whoever keeps a building or room, or any part thereof, or occupies, or is found in, any place, way, public or private, park or parkway, or any open space, public or private, or any portion thereof, with apparatus, books or any device, for registering bets, or buying or selling pools, upon the result […]
[ Text of section effective until July 31, 2022. See 2001, 139, Sec. 45 as amended by 2005, 176, Sec. 13; 2006, 54, Sec. 12; 2006, 449, Secs. 19 and 21; 2008, 290, Sec. 12; 2009, 167, Sec. 12; 2010, 203, Sec. 12; 2011, 77, Sec. 12; 2011, 194, Sec. 84; 2014, 264, Sec. 11; […]
Section 17B. Except as otherwise prohibited under section 2703 of Title 18 of the United States Code, whenever the attorney general or a district attorney has reasonable grounds to believe that records in the possession of: (i) a common carrier subject to the jurisdiction of the department of telecommunications and cable, as provided in paragraph […]
Section 18. Whoever keeps, sets up, promotes or is concerned as owner, agent, clerk or in any other manner, in managing a policy lottery or policy shop, or writes, prints, sells, transfers or delivers a ticket, certificate, slip, bill, token or other device, purporting or designed to guarantee or assure to a person, or to […]
Section 19. The printing, writing, advertising, issuing or delivery of any ticket, paper, document or other article or material representing or purporting to represent the existence of or any chance or interest in any lottery, policy lottery or policy game, pool or pools, registered or other bet or other game or hazard, whether drawn or […]
Section 1A. The words ”house”, ”building” and ”place” used severally or together in this chapter shall mean and include a ship or vessel when it is within the territorial limits of the commonwealth.
Section 2. Whoever, in a public conveyance or public place, or in a private place upon which he is trespassing, plays at cards, dice or any other game for money or other property, or bets on the sides or hands of those playing, except as permitted under chapter 23K, shall forfeit not more than fifty […]
Section 20. All lottery, policy or pool tickets, slips or checks, memoranda of any combination or other bet, manifold or other policy or pool books or sheets, are hereby declared a common nuisance and the possession thereof unlawful; and the possession of any such article, or of any other implements, apparatus or materials of any […]
Section 21. In a prosecution or proceeding relative to lotteries, policy lotteries or policy, buying and selling pools or registered bets, any words, figures or characters, written, printed or exposed upon a blackboard, placard or otherwise, in a place alleged to be used or occupied for such business, purporting or appearing to be a name […]
Section 22. Whoever receives a letter, package or parcel for delivery to or transportation from a person, or delivers or transports the same to or from a person, having reasonable cause to believe that such person is engaged or in any way concerned in the management or promotion of or agency for a lottery, or […]