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Home » US Law » 2022 Michigan Compiled Laws » Chapter 141 - Municipal Financing » Act 254 of 2010 - Regional Convention and Tourism Promotion Act (141.1431 - 141.1437)

Section 141.1431 – Short Title.

141.1431 Short title. Sec. 1. This act shall be known and may be cited as the “regional convention and tourism promotion act”. History: 2010, Act 254, Imd. Eff. Dec. 14, 2010

Section 141.1431a – Legislative Findings.

141.1431a Legislative findings. Sec. 1a. (1) The legislature finds all of the following: (a) Tourism is a major source of employment, income, and tax revenues in this state, and the expansion of the tourism industry is vital to the growth of the state’s economy. (b) The tourism industry is important to this state, not only […]

Section 141.1432 – Definitions.

141.1432 Definitions. Sec. 2. As used in this act: (a) “Assessment” means the amount levied against an owner of a transient facility within an assessment district computed by application of the applicable percentage against aggregate room charges with respect to that transient facility during the applicable assessment period. (b) “Assessment district” means a combination of […]

Section 141.1433 – Marketing Program Notice; Filing; Contents; Mailing to Owners of Transient Facility Owners; Right of Referendum; Assessment Contained in Notice; Effectiveness; Written Referendum; Effect of Approval or Disapproval of Assessment.

141.1433 Marketing program notice; filing; contents; mailing to owners of transient facility owners; right of referendum; assessment contained in notice; effectiveness; written referendum; effect of approval or disapproval of assessment. Sec. 3. (1) A bureau that has its principal place of business in an assessment district may file a marketing program notice with the director. […]

Section 141.1434 – Marketing Program; Provisions.

141.1434 Marketing program; provisions. Sec. 4. A marketing program may include all or any of the following: (a) Provisions for establishing and paying the costs of advertising, marketing, and promotional programs to encourage convention business and tourism in the assessment district. (b) Provisions for assisting transient facilities within the assessment district in promoting regional convention […]

Section 141.1435 – Assessment Payments; Computation; Statement of Room Charges; Forwarding Copies of Use Tax Returns; Use by Certified Public Accountants; Interest; Delinquency Charge; Attorney Fees and Court Costs; Liability for Payment After Mailing of Notice.

141.1435 Assessment payments; computation; statement of room charges; forwarding copies of use tax returns; use by certified public accountants; interest; delinquency charge; attorney fees and court costs; liability for payment after mailing of notice. Sec. 5. (1) Upon the effective date of an assessment, each owner of a transient facility in the assessment district shall […]

Section 141.1436 – Assessment Revenues; Deposit; Disbursement; Mailing Audited Financial Statements and Report; Failure of Bureau to Provide Copies Within Certain Time Limit; Penalty.

141.1436 Assessment revenues; deposit; disbursement; mailing audited financial statements and report; failure of bureau to provide copies within certain time limit; penalty. Sec. 6. (1) The assessment revenues collected pursuant to this act shall not be state funds. The money shall be deposited in a bank or other depository in this state, in the name […]

Section 141.1436a – Board Meeting; Annual Marketing Plan.

141.1436a Board meeting; annual marketing plan. Sec. 6a. The board at regular intervals, but not less than twice per year, shall convene a formal meeting at which the board shall review its current annual marketing plan and its proposed annual marketing plan for the succeeding 1-year period. Once a year at these formal meetings, the […]

Section 141.1436b – Master Plan; Travel Bureau; Disapproval of Annual Marketing Plan.

141.1436b Master plan; travel bureau; disapproval of annual marketing plan. Sec. 6b. (1) The vice-president of the travel bureau and the president or chief administrative officer of the bureau shall meet periodically, but at least once each year, to discuss the master plan and the annual marketing plan approved by the board. (2) The bureau […]

Section 141.1437 – Referendum to Discontinue Assessment.

141.1437 Referendum to discontinue assessment. Sec. 7. (1) At any time 3 years or more after the effective date of an assessment, and upon the written request of owners of transient facilities located within the assessment district representing not less than 40% of the total number of owners or not less than 40% of the […]