15.481 Short title; definitions. Sec. 1. (1) This act shall be known and may be cited as the “regulatory boards and commissions ethics act”. (2) As used in this act: (a) “Board” means a board, commission, committee, or subcommittee in the department that has authority in regulatory actions concerning private individuals or entities. (b) “Department” […]
15.482 Standards in addition to other standard of conduct or disclosure requirement. Sec. 2. In addition to any other standard of conduct or disclosure requirement that may apply to a member or designated alternate member of a board, each member or designated alternate shall comply with the standards set forth in this act. History: 2014, […]
15.483 Board member; duties; prohibited conduct. Sec. 3. (1) A board member shall do all of the following: (a) Disclose to the board and the director of the department any pecuniary, contractual, business, employment, or personal interest that the board member may have in a contract, grant, loan, or a regulatory, enforcement, or disciplinary matter […]
15.484 Board member or immediate family member with interest in matter; adoption in violation of conflict of interest; requirements. Sec. 4. A contract, grant, or loan that a board enters into with or awards to a board member or an immediate family member of a board member with an interest in the matter is adopted […]
15.485 Undisclosed interest or conflict of interest; referral to board of ethics; review by director or designee; reconsideration of action. Sec. 5. (1) A person who has reason to believe that a board member has failed to disclose an interest described in section 3(1)(a) or has an interest that is not required to be disclosed […]
15.486 Conflict with existing ethics laws. Sec. 6. This act is intended to supplement existing ethics laws, and if there is a conflict, the following laws prevail: (a) Section 10 of article IV of the state constitution of 1963. (b) 1978 PA 566, MCL 15.181 to 15.185. (c) 1968 PA 318, MCL 15.301 to 15.310. […]