259.51 Aeronautics commission; powers and duties generally. Sec. 51. (1) The commission has general supervision over aeronautics within this state. The commission shall encourage, foster, and participate with and provide grants to the political subdivisions of this state in the development of aeronautics within this state. The commission shall establish and encourage the establishment of […]
259.52 Director of aeronautics; powers and duties. Sec. 52. Powers and duties of director of aeronautics. The director of aeronautics shall be the executive officer of the commission and department of aeronautics and under the commission’s supervision shall administer the provisions of this and all other acts relating to aeronautics within this state. History: 1945, […]
259.53 Director of aeronautics; powers delegated. Sec. 53. Delegation of powers to director of aeronautics. The commission may delegate to the director of aeronautics any of the powers or duties vested in or imposed upon it by this act. Such delegated powers and duties may be exercised by such director in the name of the […]
259.54 Cooperation with federal government; compliance with federal laws and regulations for expenditure of federal money; receipt and disbursement of federal and other money; commission as agent of state; deposit of money in state treasury; commission assistance in preparation of airport projects; cost. Sec. 54. (1) The commission may cooperate with the government of the […]
259.55 Enforcement officers. Sec. 55. (1) The commission may prescribe the duties and conditions of employment of its enforcement officers. The officers shall be law enforcement officers of the state and shall have the authority of police officers as provided by law, except as otherwise provided in this section. The officers shall be vested with […]