286.101 White pine blister rust; definitions. Sec. 1. For the purposes of this act the following words, names and terms shall be construed respectively to mean: (a) Commissioner: The commissioner of agriculture. (b) Cultivated black currants: Plants, roots, cuttings or scions of Ribes nigrum L. (c) Currants and gooseberries: Plants, roots, cuttings or scions belonging […]
286.102 White pine blister rust; declared dangerous pest; enforcement of act; other state departments. Sec. 2. (1) The fungus disease commonly known as the white pine blister rust caused by the organism Cronartium ribicola Fischer is declared to be a dangerous forest pest in all its stages. (2) The director of the department of agriculture […]
286.103 White pine blister rust; destruction of plants. Sec. 3. Any white pines, currants or gooseberries within the state which are found to be infected with white pine blister rust are hereby declared a public nuisance, and any such diseased plants and any and all wild plants of the genera Ribes and Grossularia, may be […]
286.104 Cultivated black currant declared public nuisance; destruction. Sec. 4. The cultivated black currant is hereby declared a public nuisance. Planting, possessing, growing, propagating, selling or offering for sale plants, roots, or cuttings of cultivated black currants within the state is hereby prohibited. Such roots, cuttings or plants now planted or growing may be destroyed […]
286.105 White pine blister rust; blister rust control areas; fruiting currant and gooseberry control areas; destruction of plants, expense. Sec. 5. The commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to promulgate by letter, publication, poster or other means, information concerning the white pine blister rust and to designate by the aforesaid means of promulgation blister rust […]
286.106 White pine blister rust; destruction of plants; compensation to owner; noxious weeds. Sec. 6. If cultivated currants, gooseberries or white pines which are not infected with white pine blister rust, are destroyed by specific order of the commissioner or his agents, the owner may be compensated therefor, the damages to be appraised by the […]
286.107 Right of entry by commissioner of agriculture. Sec. 7. The commissioner and his agents shall have the right to enter upon any private or public lands to determine the presence or the absence of white pine blister rust in any of its stages and to carry out measures for its control. History: 1929, Act […]
286.108 White pine blister rust; co-operation; rust control on state lands. Sec. 8. The commissioner may co-operate with the United States department of agriculture, with the department of conservation, and with counties, townships, associations, institutions and individuals for the suppression and control of white pine blister rust, and shall carry on such investigations of the […]
286.109 Entry or movement of certain plants. Sec. 9. The commissioner is hereby authorized and empowered to prohibit and prevent or regulate the entry into or movement within the state from any part thereof to any other part, of any white pines or any plants of genus Ribes or Grossularia when such plants are to […]
286.112 Violation of act; penalty. Sec. 12. Any person violating any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not more than 100 dollars or imprisonment for not more than 90 days, and costs of prosecution, or both such fine and imprisonment in […]