286.121 Extermination of grasshoppers, similar pests; county appropriation. Sec. 1. Whenever there may exist within this state, any scourge, or threatened scourge, of grasshoppers or other similar pests, the board of supervisors of any county is hereby authorized to appropriate money for the purchase of poison and to provide such other means as may to […]
286.122 Extermination of grasshoppers, similar pests; township appropriation. Sec. 2. Whenever any board of supervisors shall have purchased any such poison, as in this act provided, the township board of any township within such county is hereby authorized to appropriate money for the spreading of such poison as may be allotted to such township, or […]
286.123 Expense; payment. Sec. 3. Any expense incurred or money appropriated under this act shall be treated as a general county or township expense, as the case may be, and shall be payable as other general county and township expenses are now payable. History: 1919, Ex. Sess., Act 6, Imd. Eff. June 25, 1919 ;– […]