331.510 Hospital construction program; state plan, contents, submission to surgeon general, hearing, approval, publication, review, modification. Sec. 10. The director shall prepare and submit to the surgeon general a state plan which shall include the hospital construction program developed under Part B of this act, and which shall provide for the establishment, administration, and operation […]
331.511 Hospital construction program; minimum standards for maintenance and operation of hospitals receiving federal aid; medical personnel. Sec. 11. Any hospital which shall hereafter receive federal aid under the provisions of Public Law 725, known as the “hospital survey and construction act,” enacted by the 79th Congress, shall hereafter comply with the minimum standards of […]
331.511a Minimum standards violation; penalty. Sec. 11a. Any such hospital or person acting in behalf of such hospital violating these minimum standards of maintenance and operation shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be fined not more than $100.00 for the first offense and not more than $200.00 for each subsequent offense, […]
331.512 Construction projects; relative needs, federal regulations, priority. Sec. 12. The state plan shall set forth the relative need for the several projects included in the construction program determined in accordance with regulations prescribed pursuant to the federal act, and provide for the construction, insofar as financial resources available therefor are certified by the state […]
331.513 Construction projects; application, submittance to director, conformity with federal or state requirements. Sec. 13. Applications for hospital construction projects for which federal funds are requested shall be submitted to the director and may be submitted by the state or any political subdivision thereof or by any public or non-profit agency authorized to construct and […]
331.514 Construction projects; hearing on application, approval, recommending and forwarding to surgeon general. Sec. 14. The director shall afford to every applicant for a construction project an opportunity for a fair hearing. If the director, after affording reasonable opportunity for development and presentation of applications in the order of relative need, finds that a project […]
331.515 Construction projects; inspection, certification, federal installment payments. Sec. 15. From time to time the director shall inspect each construction project approved by the surgeon general, and, if the inspection so warrants, the director shall certify to the surgeon general that work has been performed upon the project, or purchases have been made, in accordance […]
331.516 State budget director; authorization to receive federal funds; hospital construction planning fund, deposit, disbursement. Sec. 16. The state budget director is hereby authorized to receive federal funds in behalf of applicants and to authorize the director of the division of hospital survey and construction to transmit them to such applicants. There is hereby established, […]