38.2401 Retirement system; members; membership form; conditions for ceasing membership. Sec. 401. (1) Each of the following is a member of the retirement system: (a) A person who is duly elected or appointed as a judge or state official on or after the effective date of this act, unless within 30 days from taking office […]
38.2401a Exclusion from Tier 1; eligibility as qualified participant in Tier 2. Sec. 401a. (1) Notwithstanding section 401, an individual described in this subsection is not a member of the Tier 1 retirement plan: (a) An individual who first becomes a judge or state official on or after March 31, 1997. (b) An individual who […]
38.2402 Retirement board; determining service credits; forfeiture; reinstatement; service credit for limited period or specific assignment. Sec. 402. (1) The retirement board shall credit each member with the number of years and months of service for which the member performed service as a judge or state official. The retirement board shall credit service for the […]
38.2403 Election to purchase other public service credit; request; documentation; payment of actuarial cost; basis for calculating service credit. Sec. 403. (1) A member who has 4 or more years of membership service may elect to purchase service credit for other public service by filing a request with the retirement system. The member shall provide […]
38.2404 Election to purchase active duty service credit; request; documentation; payment to reserve; basis for calculating service credit. Sec. 404. (1) A member who has 12 or more years of credited service may elect to purchase not more than 2 years of service credit for active duty by filing a request with the retirement system. […]
38.2405 Accumulated contributions; payment to person ceasing to be member; payment to refund beneficiary before retirement allowance is payable; payment to refund beneficiary if retirant and option A beneficiary, option B beneficiary, or spouse dies; nomination of refund beneficiary. Sec. 405. (1) Except as otherwise provided in this act, if a person ceases to be […]
38.2406 Retirant authorized by supreme court to perform judicial duties for limited period or specific assignment; retirant elected or appointed by governor as judge or state official. Sec. 406. (1) If a retirant is authorized by the supreme court to perform judicial duties for a limited period or a specific assignment pursuant to section 23 […]