423.201 Definitions; rights of public employees. Sec. 1. (1) As used in this act: (a) “Bargaining representative” means a labor organization recognized by an employer or certified by the commission as the sole and exclusive bargaining representative of certain employees of the employer. (b) “Commission” means the employment relations commission created in section 3 of […]
423.201a Provisions subject to certain acts. Sec. 1a. The provisions of this act are subject to all of the following: (a) The municipal partnership act. (b) 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 8, MCL 124.531 to 124.536. (c) The urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512. (d) 1988 PA 57, […]
423.202 Strike by public employee; lockout by public school employer. Sec. 2. A public employee shall not strike and a public school employer shall not institute a lockout. A public school employer does not violate this section if there is a total or partial cessation of the public school employer’s operations in response to a […]
423.202a Allegation of strike by public school employees or lockout by public school employer; notice to commission; hearing; notification of name and home address of each public school employee participating in strike; serving or mailing notice; presumption; challenge; filing of affidavit and supporting proof by employee; hearing to determine if employee engaged in strike; determination; […]
423.203 Public employees; persons in authority approving or consenting to strike prohibited; participating in submittal of grievance. Sec. 3. No person exercising any authority, supervision or direction over any public employee shall have the power to authorize, approve or consent to a strike by public employees, and such person shall not authorize, approve or consent […]
423.204 Repealed. 1965, Act 379, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965. Compiler’s Notes: The repealed section declared that a public employee who violated the act abandoned and terminated his employment.Popular Name: Public Employment Relations
423.204a Application of act to state civil service employees. Sec. 4a. The provisions of this act as to state employees within the jurisdiction of the civil service commission shall be deemed to apply in so far as the power exists in the legislature to control employment by the state or the emoluments thereof. History: 1947, […]
423.205 Repealed. 1965, Act 379, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965. Compiler’s Notes: The repealed section pertained to conditions upon which a public employee who had violated the act could be reemployed.Popular Name: Public Employment Relations
423.206 Public employee; conduct considered to be on strike; proceeding to determine violation of act; time; decision; review; applicability of subsection (2) to penalty imposed under MCL 423.202a. Sec. 6. (1) Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, a public employee who, by concerted action with others and without the lawful approval of his or […]
423.207 Request for mediation of grievances; powers of commission; notice of status of negotiations; appointment of mediator. Sec. 7. (1) Upon the request of the collective bargaining representative defined in section 11 or, if a representative has not been designated or selected, upon the request of a majority of any given group of public employees […]
423.207a Additional mediation. Sec. 7a. (1) In addition to mediation conducted under section 7, if a public school employer and a bargaining representative of a bargaining unit of its employees mutually agree that an impasse has been reached in collective bargaining between them, the parties may agree to participate in additional mediation under this section. […]
423.208 Repealed. 1965, Act 379, Imd. Eff. July 23, 1965. Compiler’s Notes: The repealed section provided penalties for inciting public employees to strike.Popular Name: Public Employment Relations
423.209 Public employees; rights; prohibited conduct; violation; civil fine. Sec. 9. (1) Public employees may do any of the following: (a) Organize together or form, join, or assist in labor organizations; engage in lawful concerted activities for the purpose of collective negotiation or bargaining or other mutual aid and protection; or negotiate or bargain collectively […]
423.210 Prohibited conduct by public employer or officer or agent; prohibited conduct by labor organization; conduct not required as condition for obtaining or continuing public employment; exception; enforceability of agreement, contract, understanding, or practice; jurisdiction of court; appropriation; violation; civil fine; verification by independent examiner; declaration identifying local bargaining units; civil action. Sec. 10. (1) […]
423.211 Public employees; designation of bargaining representatives; grievances of individual employees. Sec. 11. Representatives designated or selected for purposes of collective bargaining by the majority of the public employees in a unit appropriate for such purposes, shall be the exclusive representatives of all the public employees in such unit for the purposes of collective bargaining […]
423.212 Collective bargaining representative; petition; investigation; notice; hearing; election by secret ballot; certification of results; consent election. Sec. 12. When a petition is filed, in accordance with rules promulgated by the commission: (a) By a public employee or group of public employees, or an individual or labor organization acting in their behalf, alleging that 30% […]
423.213 Decision as to appropriate collective bargaining unit; supervisor of fire fighting personnel. Sec. 13. The commission shall decide in each case, to insure public employees the full benefit of their right to self-organization, to collective bargaining and otherwise to effectuate the policies of this act, the unit appropriate for the purposes of collective bargaining […]
423.214 Elections; eligibility to vote; rules; runoff election; effect of collective bargaining agreement; bargaining unit of public employer consisting of individuals not public employees as invalid and void. Sec. 14. (1) An election shall not be directed in any bargaining unit or any subdivision within which, in the preceding 12-month period, a valid election was […]
423.215 Collective bargaining; duties of employer, public school employer, and employees’ representative; prohibited subjects between public school employer and bargaining representative of employee; placement of public school in state school reform/redesign school district or under chief executive officer; effect of financial stability and choice act; selection method for certain departments or boards; prohibited subjects of […]
423.215a Right of employee of public fire department to volunteer or accept employment with another fire department. Sec. 15a. An employee of a public fire department may volunteer for or seek and accept part-time or paid on-call employment with another fire department if that employment does not conflict with his or her performance of the […]