445.1081 Definitions. Sec. 1. As used in this act: (a) “Collateral costs” means expenses incurred by a consumer in connection with the repair of a nonconformity in a wheelchair, including the cost of an alternative wheelchair or other assistive device or service for mobility. (b) “Consumer” means any of the following: (i) The purchaser of […]
445.1082 Sale or lease of wheelchair; express warranty; duration; failure to furnish. Sec. 2. (1) A manufacturer who sells or leases a wheelchair to a consumer, either directly or through a wheelchair dealer, shall furnish the consumer with an express warranty for the wheelchair. The duration of the express warranty shall be not less than […]
445.1083 Nonconformity; repair by manufacturer; reimbursement to authorized dealer; duty of manufacturer. Sec. 3. (1) If a new wheelchair does not conform to an applicable express warranty and the consumer reports the nonconformity to the manufacturer, the wheelchair lessor, or any of the manufacturer’s authorized wheelchair dealers and makes the wheelchair available for repair before […]
445.1084 Receipt by consumer of comparable wheelchair or refund; transfer of wheelchair to manufacturer. Sec. 4. (1) To receive a wheelchair of comparable quality, size, and function or a refund, a consumer of a purchased wheelchair shall first offer to the manufacturer of the wheelchair having the nonconformity the transfer of that wheelchair to the […]
445.1085 Leased wheelchair; refund. Sec. 5. (1) To receive a refund due on a leased wheelchair, a consumer shall offer to return the wheelchair having the nonconformity to the wheelchair lessor. (2) Not later than 30 business days after the offer described in subsection (1), the wheelchair lessor shall provide the refund to the consumer. […]
445.1086 Sale or lease of returned wheelchair. Sec. 6. A wheelchair returned by a consumer in this state under this act, or by a consumer in another state under a similar law of that state, shall not be sold or leased again in this state unless full disclosure of the reasons for return is made […]
445.1087 Rights and remedies of consumer. Sec. 7. (1) This act does not limit the rights or remedies available to a consumer under any other statute of this state. (2) A waiver by a consumer of rights under this act is void. (3) In addition to pursuing any other remedy, a consumer may bring an […]