449.101 Copartnerships; certificate required, filing, contents. Sec. 1. No 2 or more persons shall hereafter be engaged in carrying on any business as copartners unless such persons shall first make and file with the county clerk of the county in which such copartnership business is or shall be located, a certificate in writing, to be […]
449.101a Certificate of copartnership; signers authorized to conduct business as partners for 5 years; renewal certificate; filing, fee, forms, and duration; notice; destruction of certificate; imposition of fees by certain charter counties. Sec. 1a. (1) The certificate when acknowledged and filed as required in section 1 shall authorize the persons signing it to conduct their […]
449.101b Copartnership certificate; renewal, notice. Sec. 1b. Persons now carrying on business as copartners under the provisions of this act shall file a renewal certificate as is herein prescribed within 5 years after this act shall take effect, and after notice from the county clerk as is herein provided, which notice shall be given within […]
449.102 Copartnership certificate; name change, procedure, interim effect. Sec. 2. In case there shall be at any time after the making and filing of said certificate, any change in the name or style of said firm, or in the time of its existence, then a new certificate, verified as before specified, shall in like manner […]
449.103 Copartnership certificate; certified copy as evidence. Sec. 3. A certified copy of the said certificate, or renewal certificate, on file in the county clerk’s office, signed by the county clerk, and attested by the seal of the circuit court of the county, shall be held to be good and sufficient evidence of any or […]
449.104 Copartnership certificate; filing; assumed name, rejection by county clerk. Sec. 4. Persons now owning or conducting any such business as copartners shall file such certificate as hereinbefore prescribed within 90 days after this act shall take effect, and persons hereafter owning, conducting or transacting business as aforesaid shall, before commencing said business, file such […]
449.104a Copartnership under assumed name; change of business location certificate, attachment. Sec. 4a. Whenever a copartnership operating under an assumed name has changed or changes its place of business, it shall be the duty of 1 of the members of such copartnership to file with the county clerk with whom the certificate required under the […]
449.104b Copartnership under assumed name; discontinuance of business certificate; use of name by others, objection. Sec. 4b. Whenever a copartnership operating under an assumed name shall go out of business, it shall be the duty of 1 of the members of such copartnership to file a certificate with the clerk of the county or counties […]
449.105 Certificates and renewal certificates; alphabetical index; indexing and filing fee; cost of certified copies. Sec. 5. The county clerk shall keep an alphabetical index of all certificates and renewal certificates, provided for in this act, and for the indexing and filing of the certificates and renewal certificates shall receive a fee of $10.00, to […]
449.106 Violation of act; penalty; effect on validity and enforcement of contracts. Sec. 6. Any 2 or more persons owning, carrying on or conducting or transacting business as aforesaid, who shall fail to comply with the provisions of this act, shall each be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by […]