46.241 Mutilated archives; preservation, copying and binding. Sec. 1. That whenever, in the opinion of the board of supervisors of any county in this state, from the defaced or mutilated condition of any assessment rolls, returns of township treasurers, or other papers, on file, under the provisions of law, in the office of the treasurer […]
46.242 Preservation of mutilated archives; supervision by county treasurer; employment of copyist, oath; certification of copies. Sec. 2. Whenever the board of supervisors of any county shall order the copying of any rolls or other papers, as provided in section 1 of this act, the treasurer of such county shall have the supervision of such […]
46.243 Copies of archives; admissible as evidence. Sec. 3. Any copy of any assessment roll, tax roll, township treasurer’s return or other paper, made and certified under the provisions of this act, shall be valid and lawful as evidence in any court as the original would have been. History: 1867, Act 190, Eff. June 27, […]