750.135 Children; exposing with intent to injure or abandon; surrender of child to emergency service provider; applicability of subsection (1); definitions. Sec. 135. (1) Except as provided in subsection (3), a father or mother of a child under the age of 6 years, or another individual, who exposes the child in any street, field, house, […]
750.135a Leaving child unattended in vehicle; prohibition; violation; definitions. Sec. 135a. (1) A person who is responsible for the care or welfare of a child shall not leave that child unattended in a vehicle for a period of time that poses an unreasonable risk of harm or injury to the child or under circumstances that […]
750.136 Labia majora or labia minor or clitoris; surgical procedure prohibited; exceptions; violation as felony; penalty; violation of law arising from same transaction. Sec. 136. (1) A person shall not knowingly circumcise, excise, or infibulate the whole or any part of the labia majora or labia minora or clitoris of another person who is less […]
750.136a Transporting person for conduct violating MCL 750.136; felony; penalty; violation arising out of same transaction. Sec. 136a. (1) A person shall not knowingly transport a person from this state for the purpose of conduct with regard to that person that would be a violation of section 136 if the conduct occurred in this state. […]
750.136b Definitions; child abuse; degrees; penalties; exception; affirmative defense; enhanced sentence; “prior conviction” defined. Sec. 136b. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Child” means a person who is less than 18 years of age and is not emancipated by operation of law as provided in section 4 of 1968 PA 293, MCL 722.4. (b) […]
750.136c Transfer or acquisition of legal or physical custody of individual; prohibited conduct; exceptions; violation as felony; penalty. Sec. 136c. (1) A person shall not transfer or attempt to transfer the legal or physical custody of an individual to another person for money or other valuable consideration, except as otherwise permitted by law. (2) A […]
750.136d Violation of MCL 750.136b in presence of child other than victim; penalty; laws arising out of same transaction. Sec. 136d. (1) A person who violates section 136b in the presence of a child other than the child who is the victim of the violation is guilty of a felony punishable as follows: (a) If […]
750.137 Purchases from minors. Sec. 137. A dealer in second-hand goods, junk shop keeper, peddler, rag or paper buyer, pawnbroker or hawker who purchases either directly or indirectly or by his agent or clerk, any goods, thing, article or articles from a minor without the written consent of the parent or guardian of the minor […]
750.138 Children; legal custody; interference. Sec. 138. A person who in any manner interferes or attempts to interfere with the custody of any child who has been adjudged to be dependent, neglected, or delinquent pursuant to chapter XIIA of the probate code of 1939, 1939 PA 288, MCL 712A.1 to 712A.32, after the making of […]
750.139 Child under 18 years of age; confinement; commitment or trial; presence at trial of adults; transportation with adults charged with or convicted of crime; exception; violation as misdemeanor. Sec. 139. (1) Except as provided in subsection (2), a child under 18 years of age while under arrest, confinement, or conviction for a crime must […]
750.140 Children; exhibition; employ; apprentice. Sec. 140. Any person having the care, custody, or control of any child under 16 years of age, who shall exhibit, use, or employ, or who shall apprentice, give away, let out, or otherwise dispose of the child to any person in or for the vocation, service, or occupation of […]
750.141 Presence of minor under 17 in places where liquor is sold, given away, or furnished; attendance of minors at dances. Sec. 141. A minor child under 17 years of age shall not be permitted to remain in a dance hall, saloon, barroom or any place where spirituous or intoxicating liquor, wine or beer, or […]
750.141a Definitions; prohibited conduct by person having control of real property; applicability of section; violation of subsection (2) as misdemeanor; penalty; evidence of rebuttable presumption; selling or furnishing alcoholic beverage to minor not authorized by act; criminal penalty. Sec. 141a. (1) As used in this section: (a) “Alcoholic beverage” means an alcoholic liquor as defined […]
750.141b Repealed. 1963, Act 162, Eff. Sept. 6, 1963. Compiler’s Notes: The repealed section provided for form, issuance, and use of liquor purchase identification cards by persons between ages of 21 and 25; imposed penalty for misuse or falsification.
750.141c, 750.141d Repealed. 1978, Act 531, Eff. Dec. 23, 1978. Compiler’s Notes: The repealed sections pertained to false representation or information as to age for purpose of purchasing alcoholic liquor.
750.142 Furnishing obscene publications or criminal news to minors. Sec. 142. A person who sells, gives away or in any way furnishes to a person under the age of 18 years a book, pamphlet, or other printed paper or other thing, containing obscene language, or obscene prints, pictures, figures or descriptions tending to corrupt the […]
750.143 Children; exhibition of obscene matter. Sec. 143. Exhibition of obscene matter within view of children—Any person who shall exhibit upon any public street or highway, or in any other place within the view of children passing on any public street or highway, any book, pamphlet or other printed paper or thing containing obscene language […]
750.143a Information about rating system; posting sign by video game retailer required; violation; fine; definitions. Sec. 143a. (1) A video game retailer shall post a sign in a prominent area within the video game retailer’s retail establishment that provides information about a rating system or notifies consumers that a rating system is available to aid […]
750.144 Minor; boarding houses, licensing. Sec. 144. Licensed boarding homes for children—Any person who maintains a boarding home for children, unless licensed therefor by the state welfare commission, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person who has in his custody or control for a longer period than 30 days, 1 or more children under […]
750.145 Minor; contributing to neglect or delinquency. Sec. 145. Contributing to neglect or delinquency of children—Any person who shall by any act, or by any word, encourage, contribute toward, cause or tend to cause any minor child under the age of 17 years to become neglected or delinquent so as to come or tend to […]