116.01 POLICY. To meet the variety and complexity of problems relating to water, air and land pollution in the areas of the state affected thereby, and to achieve a reasonable degree of purity of water, air and land resources of the state consistent with the maximum enjoyment and use thereof in furtherance of the welfare […]
116.011 POLLUTION REPORT. A goal of the Pollution Control Agency is to reduce the amount of pollution that is emitted in the state. By April 1 of each even-numbered year, the Pollution Control Agency shall report the best estimate of the agency of the total volume of water and air pollution that was emitted in […]
116.02 POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY; CREATION AND POWERS. Subdivision 1. Creation. A pollution control agency, designated as the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, is hereby created. Subd. 2. [Repealed, 1Sp2015 c 4 art 4 s 150] Subd. 3. [Repealed, 1Sp2015 c 4 art 4 s 150] Subd. 4. [Repealed, 1Sp2015 c 4 art 4 s 150] Subd. […]
116.03 COMMISSIONER. Subdivision 1. Office. (a) The Office of Commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency is created and is under the supervision and control of the commissioner, who is appointed by the governor under the provisions of section 15.06. (b) The commissioner may appoint a deputy commissioner and assistant commissioners who shall be in the […]
116.04 EXECUTIVE SECRETARY. The commissioner of the Pollution Control Agency is the executive secretary and chief executive officer of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and is responsible for performing the executive duties of such agency prescribed by law. History: 1967 c 882 s 4; 1987 c 186 s 15
116.05 COOPERATION. Subdivision 1. Other departments and agencies. All state departments and agencies are hereby directed to cooperate with the Pollution Control Agency and its commissioner and assist them in the performance of their duties, and are authorized to enter into necessary agreements with the agency, and the Pollution Control Agency is authorized to cooperate […]
116.06 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Applicability. The definitions given in this section shall obtain for the purposes of sections 116.01 to 116.075 except as otherwise expressly provided or indicated by the context. Subd. 2. Air contaminant or air contamination. “Air contaminant” or “air contamination” means the presence in the outdoor atmosphere of any dust, fume, mist, […]
116.061 AIR POLLUTION; EMISSIONS AND ABATEMENT. Subdivision 1. Emission notification required. (a) A person who controls the source of an emission must notify the agency immediately of excessive or abnormal unpermitted emissions that: (1) may cause air pollution endangering human health; (2) may cause air pollution damaging property; or (3) cause obnoxious odors constituting a […]
116.07 POWERS AND DUTIES. Subdivision 1. Generally. In addition to any powers or duties otherwise prescribed by law and without limiting the same, the Pollution Control Agency shall have the powers and duties hereinafter specified. Subd. 2. Adopting standards. (a) The Pollution Control Agency shall improve air quality by promoting, in the most practicable way […]
116.071 CAUSE OF ACTION FOR ABANDONING HAZARDOUS WASTE ON PROPERTY OF ANOTHER. (a) If an owner of property on which containers of hazardous waste or material which is hazardous waste is abandoned by another disposes of the waste in compliance with all applicable laws and at the owner’s expense, the property owner is entitled to […]
116.0711 FEEDLOT PERMITS; CONDITIONS; COUNTY GRANTS. Subdivision 1. Conditions. (a) The agency shall not require feedlot permittees to maintain records as to rainfall or snowfall as a condition of a general feedlot permit if the owner directs the commissioner or agent of the commissioner to appropriate data on precipitation maintained by a government agency or […]
116.0712 MODIFIED LEVEL ONE FEEDLOT INVENTORY. (a) Except as provided in paragraph (b), a delegated county that has completed a modified level 1 inventory that includes facility location, approximate number of animal units, and whether the facility is an open lot or confinement operation, may report that information to the agency in aggregate. A feedlot […]
116.0713 LIVESTOCK ODOR. (a) The Pollution Control Agency must: (1) monitor and identify potential livestock facility violations of the state ambient air quality standards for hydrogen sulfide, using a protocol for responding to citizen complaints regarding feedlot odor and its hydrogen sulfide component, including the appropriate use of portable monitoring equipment that enables monitoring staff […]
116.0715 LIMIT ON BASIS FOR ACTION. The agency shall not issue or deny a permit or amendment or impose control requirements based solely on computer models projecting compliance or noncompliance with the secondary particulate matter standard. History: 1996 c 409 s 1
116.0716 RULE VARIANCE. The Pollution Control Agency may issue a permit without regard to the maximum annual geometric mean standards for particulate matter or the primary maximum 24 hour concentrate standard for particulate matter. History: 1996 c 409 s 2
116.0717 MINERALS DEPOSITION. Notwithstanding rules prohibiting discharge of waste into saturated zones or rules governing variance procedures, the Pollution Control Agency may issue a permit for deposition of fine tailings from minerals processing facilities into mine pits provided the proposer demonstrates through an environmental impact statement and risk assessment that the deposition will not pose […]
116.072 ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTIES. Subdivision 1. Authority to issue penalty orders. (a) The commissioner may issue an order requiring violations to be corrected and administratively assessing monetary penalties for violations of this chapter and chapters 114C, 115, 115A, 115D, and 115E, any rules adopted under those chapters, and any standards, limitations, or conditions established in an […]
116.073 FIELD CITATIONS. Subdivision 1. Authority to issue. (a) Pollution Control Agency staff designated by the commissioner and Department of Natural Resources conservation officers may issue citations to a person who: (1) disposes of solid waste as defined in section 116.06, subdivision 22, at a location not authorized by law for the disposal of solid […]
116.074 NOTICE OF PERMIT CONDITIONS TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. Before the agency grants a permit for a solid waste facility, allows a significant alteration of permit conditions or facility operation, or allows the change of a facility permittee, the commissioner must notify the county and town where the facility is located, contiguous counties and towns, and […]
116.075 HEARINGS AND RECORDS PUBLIC. Subdivision 1. Public records. All hearings conducted by the Pollution Control Agency pursuant to sections 103F.701 to 103F.755 and chapters 115 and 116 shall be open to the public, and the transcripts thereof are public records. All final records, studies, reports, orders, and other documents prepared in final form by […]