120A.20 ADMISSION TO PUBLIC SCHOOL. Subdivision 1. Age limitations; pupils. (a) All schools supported in whole or in part by state funds are public schools. Admission to a public school is free to any person who: (1) resides within the district that operates the school; (2) is under 21 years of age or who meets […]
120A.21 ENROLLMENT OF A STUDENT IN FOSTER CARE. A student placed in foster care must remain enrolled in the student’s prior school unless it is determined that remaining enrolled in the prior school is not in the student’s best interests. If the student does not remain enrolled in the prior school, the student must be […]
120A.22 COMPULSORY INSTRUCTION. Subdivision 1. Parental responsibility. The parent of a child is primarily responsible for assuring that the child acquires knowledge and skills that are essential for effective citizenship. Subd. 1a. Noncustodial parent access to records. Upon request, a noncustodial parent has the right of access to, and to receive copies of, school records […]
120A.24 REPORTING. Subdivision 1. Reports to superintendent. (a) The person or nonpublic school in charge of providing instruction to a child must submit to the superintendent of the district in which the child resides the name, birth date, and address of the child; the annual tests intended to be used under section 120A.22, subdivision 11, […]
120A.26 ENFORCEMENT AND PROSECUTION. Subdivision 1. [Repealed, 1Sp2011 c 11 art 1 s 37] Subd. 2. [Repealed, 1Sp2011 c 11 art 1 s 37] Subd. 3. Notice to parents. The superintendent must notify the parent, in writing, if a child is alleged to be receiving instruction in violation of sections 120A.22 and 120A.24. The written […]
120A.32 OFFICERS, TEACHERS; NEGLECT OF DUTY; PENALTY. Any school officer, truant officer, public or nonpublic school teacher, principal, district superintendent, or person providing instruction other than a parent refusing, willfully failing, or neglecting to perform any duty imposed by sections 120A.22, 120A.26, 120A.35, 120A.41, and 123B.03 is guilty of a misdemeanor. All persons found guilty […]
120A.34 VIOLATIONS; PENALTIES. Any person who fails or refuses to provide for instruction of a child of whom the person has legal custody, and who is required by section 120A.22, subdivision 5, to receive instruction, when notified so to do by a truant officer or other official, or any person who induces or attempts to […]
120A.35 ABSENCE FROM SCHOOL FOR RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCE. Reasonable efforts must be made by a school district to accommodate any pupil who wishes to be excused from a curricular activity for a religious observance. A school board must provide annual notice to parents of the school district’s policy relating to a pupil’s absence from school for […]
120A.36 SCHOOL ATTENDANCE. Attendance at a particular public school is a privilege not a right for a pupil. History: 1996 c 412 art 4 s 1; 1998 c 397 art 1 s 58
120A.38 CLASSROOM PLACEMENT; PARENT DISCRETION. (a) A parent or guardian of twins or higher order multiples may request that the children be placed in the same classroom or in separate classrooms if the children are in the same grade level at the same school. The school may recommend classroom placement to the parents and provide […]