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Home » US Law » 2022 Minnesota Statutes » Chapters 144 - 159 — Health » Chapter 146A — Complementary And Alternative Health Care Practices

Section 146A.01 — Definitions.

146A.01 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Terms. As used in this chapter, the following terms have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. Commissioner. “Commissioner” means the commissioner of health or the commissioner’s designee. Subd. 3. Complementary and alternative health care client. “Complementary and alternative health care client” means an individual who receives services from an unlicensed complementary […]

Section 146A.02 — Office Of Unlicensed Complementary And Alternative Health Care Practice.

146A.02 OFFICE OF UNLICENSED COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE PRACTICE. Subdivision 1. Creation. The Office of Unlicensed Complementary and Alternative Health Care Practice is created in the Department of Health to investigate complaints and take and enforce disciplinary actions against all unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioners for violations of prohibited conduct, as defined […]

Section 146A.025 — Maltreatment Of Minors.

146A.025 MALTREATMENT OF MINORS. Nothing in this chapter shall restrict the ability of a local welfare agency, local law enforcement agency, the commissioner of human services, or the state to take action regarding the maltreatment of minors under section 609.378 or chapter 260E. A parent who obtains complementary and alternative health care for the parent’s […]

Section 146A.03 — Reporting Obligations.

146A.03 REPORTING OBLIGATIONS. Subdivision 1. Permission to report. A person who has knowledge of any conduct constituting grounds for disciplinary action relating to complementary and alternative health care practices under this chapter may report the violation to the office. Subd. 2. Institutions. A state agency, political subdivision, agency of a local unit of government, private […]

Section 146A.04 — Immunity.

146A.04 IMMUNITY. Subdivision 1. Reporting. Any person, other than the unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioner who committed the violation, health care facility, business, or organization is immune from civil liability or criminal prosecution for submitting a report to the office, for otherwise reporting to the office violations or alleged violations of this chapter, […]

Section 146A.05 — Disciplinary Record On Judicial Review.

146A.05 DISCIPLINARY RECORD ON JUDICIAL REVIEW. Upon judicial review of any disciplinary action taken by the commissioner under this chapter, the reviewing court shall seal the portions of the administrative record that contain data on a complementary and alternative health care client or a complainant under section 146A.03, and shall not make those portions of […]

Section 146A.06 — Professional Cooperation; Unlicensed Practitioner.

146A.06 PROFESSIONAL COOPERATION; UNLICENSED PRACTITIONER. Subdivision 1. Cooperation. An unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioner who is the subject of an investigation, or who is questioned in connection with an investigation, by or on behalf of the office, shall cooperate fully with the investigation. Cooperation includes responding fully and promptly to any question raised […]

Section 146A.065 — Complementary And Alternative Health Care Practices By Licensed Or Registered Health Care Practitioners.

146A.065 COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE PRACTICES BY LICENSED OR REGISTERED HEALTH CARE PRACTITIONERS. (a) A health care practitioner licensed or registered by the commissioner or a health-related licensing board, who engages in complementary and alternative health care while practicing under the practitioner’s license or registration, shall be regulated by and be under the jurisdiction […]

Section 146A.07 — Professional Accountability.

146A.07 PROFESSIONAL ACCOUNTABILITY. The office shall maintain and keep current a file containing the reports and complaints filed against unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioners within the commissioner’s jurisdiction. Each complaint filed with the office must be investigated. If the files maintained by the office show that a malpractice settlement or award has been […]

Section 146A.08 — Prohibited Conduct.

146A.08 PROHIBITED CONDUCT. Subdivision 1. Prohibited conduct. (a) The commissioner may impose disciplinary action as described in section 146A.09 against any unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioner. The following conduct is prohibited and is grounds for disciplinary action: (b) Conviction of a crime, including a finding or verdict of guilt, an admission of guilt, […]

Section 146A.09 — Disciplinary Actions.

146A.09 DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS. Subdivision 1. Forms of disciplinary action. When the commissioner finds that an unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioner has violated any provision of this chapter, the commissioner may take one or more of the following actions, only against the individual practitioner: (1) revoke the right to practice; (2) suspend the right […]

Section 146A.10 — Additional Remedies.

146A.10 ADDITIONAL REMEDIES. Subdivision 1. Cease and desist. (a) The commissioner may issue a cease and desist order to stop a person from violating or threatening to violate a statute, rule, or order which the office has issued or is empowered to enforce. The cease and desist order must state the reason for its issuance […]

Section 146A.11 — Complementary And Alternative Health Care Client Bill Of Rights.

146A.11 COMPLEMENTARY AND ALTERNATIVE HEALTH CARE CLIENT BILL OF RIGHTS. Subdivision 1. Scope. (a) All unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioners shall provide to each complementary and alternative health care client prior to providing treatment a written copy of the complementary and alternative health care client bill of rights. A copy must also be […]