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Home » US Law » 2022 Minnesota Statutes » Chapters 144 - 159 — Health » Chapter 147A — Physician Assistants, Licensing

Section 147A.01 — Definitions.

147A.01 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purpose of this chapter the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. [Repealed by amendment, 2009 c 159 s 14] Subd. 3. Administer. “Administer” means the delivery by a physician assistant of a legend drug to a patient by injection, inhalation, ingestion, or […]

Section 147A.02 — Qualifications For Licensure.

147A.02 QUALIFICATIONS FOR LICENSURE. (a) The board may grant a license as a physician assistant to an applicant who: (1) submits an application on forms approved by the board; (2) pays the appropriate fee as determined by the board; (3) has current certification from the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants, or its successor […]

Section 147A.025 — Temporary Permit.

147A.025 TEMPORARY PERMIT. (a) An applicant for licensure under section 147A.02 may request the board to issue a temporary permit in accordance with this section. Upon receipt of the application for licensure, a request for a temporary permit, and a nonrefundable physician assistant application fee as specified under section 147A.28, the board may issue a […]

Section 147A.03 — Protected Titles And Restrictions On Use.

147A.03 PROTECTED TITLES AND RESTRICTIONS ON USE. Subdivision 1. Protected titles. No individual may use the titles “Minnesota Licensed Physician Assistant,” “Licensed Physician Assistant,” “Physician Assistant,” or “PA” in connection with the individual’s name, or any other words, letters, abbreviations, or insignia indicating or implying that the individual is licensed by the state unless they […]

Section 147A.05 — Inactive License.

147A.05 INACTIVE LICENSE. (a) Physician assistants who notify the board in writing may elect to place their license on an inactive status. Physician assistants with an inactive license shall be excused from payment of renewal fees and shall not practice as physician assistants. Persons who engage in practice while their license is lapsed or on […]

Section 147A.06 — Cancellation Of License For Nonrenewal.

147A.06 CANCELLATION OF LICENSE FOR NONRENEWAL. Subdivision 1. Cancellation of license. The board shall not renew, reissue, reinstate, or restore a license that has lapsed and has not been renewed within two annual renewal cycles. A licensee whose license is canceled for nonrenewal must obtain a new license by applying for licensure and fulfilling all […]

Section 147A.07 — Renewal.

147A.07 RENEWAL. (a) A person who holds a license as a physician assistant shall annually, upon notification from the board, renew the license by: (1) submitting the appropriate fee as determined by the board; (2) completing the appropriate forms; and (3) meeting any other requirements of the board. (b) A licensee must maintain a correct […]

Section 147A.08 — Exemptions.

147A.08 EXEMPTIONS. (a) This chapter does not apply to, control, prevent, or restrict the practice, service, or activities of persons listed in section 147.09, clauses (1) to (6) and (8) to (13), persons regulated under section 214.01, subdivision 2, or persons defined in section 144.1501, subdivision 1, paragraphs (i), (k), and (l). (b) Nothing in […]

Section 147A.09 — Scope Of Practice.

147A.09 SCOPE OF PRACTICE. Subdivision 1. Scope of practice. Physician assistants shall practice medicine only under an established practice agreement. A physician assistant’s scope of practice includes: (1) services within the training and experience of the physician assistant; (2) patient services customary to the practice of the physician assistant and the practice agreement; and (3) […]

Section 147A.13 — Grounds For Disciplinary Action.

147A.13 GROUNDS FOR DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Subdivision 1. Grounds listed. The board may refuse to grant licensure or may impose disciplinary action as described in this subdivision against any physician assistant. The following conduct is prohibited and is grounds for disciplinary action: (1) failure to demonstrate the qualifications or satisfy the requirements for licensure contained in […]

Section 147A.14 — Reporting Obligations.

147A.14 REPORTING OBLIGATIONS. Subdivision 1. Permission to report. A person who has knowledge of any conduct constituting grounds for discipline under this chapter may report the violation to the board. Subd. 2. Institutions. Any hospital, clinic, prepaid medical plan, or other health care institution or organization located in this state shall report to the board […]

Section 147A.15 — Immunity.

147A.15 IMMUNITY. Subdivision 1. Reporting. Any person, health care facility, business, or organization is immune from civil liability or criminal prosecution for submitting a report to the board pursuant to this chapter or for otherwise reporting to the board violations or alleged violations of this chapter. All such reports are confidential and absolutely privileged communications. […]

Section 147A.155 — Reports To Commissioner Of Health.

147A.155 REPORTS TO COMMISSIONER OF HEALTH. (a) The board shall maintain a record of an event that comes to the board’s attention that, in the judgment of the board or a committee of the board, qualifies as an adverse health care event under section 144.7065. (b) Within 30 days of making a determination under paragraph […]

Section 147A.16 — Forms Of Disciplinary Action.

147A.16 FORMS OF DISCIPLINARY ACTION. When the board finds that a licensed physician assistant has violated a provision of this chapter, it may do one or more of the following: (1) revoke the license; (2) suspend the license; (3) impose limitations or conditions on the physician assistant’s practice, including limiting the scope of practice to […]

Section 147A.17 — Physician Assistant Accountability.

147A.17 PHYSICIAN ASSISTANT ACCOUNTABILITY. Subdivision 1. Investigation. The board shall maintain and keep current a file containing the reports and complaints filed against physician assistants in the state. Each complaint filed with the board pursuant to section 214.10, subdivision 1, shall be investigated according to section 214.10, subdivision 2. Whenever the files maintained by the […]

Section 147A.185 — Prescribing Drugs And Therapeutic Devices.

147A.185 PRESCRIBING DRUGS AND THERAPEUTIC DEVICES. Subdivision 1. Diagnosis, prescribing, and ordering. A physician assistant is authorized to: (1) diagnose, prescribe, and institute therapy or referrals of patients to health care agencies and providers; (2) prescribe, procure, sign for, record, administer, and dispense over-the-counter drugs, legend drugs, and controlled substances, including sample drugs; and (3) […]

Section 147A.19 — Identification Requirements.

147A.19 IDENTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS. Physician assistants licensed under this chapter shall keep their license available for inspection at their primary place of business and shall, when engaged in their professional activities, wear a name tag identifying themselves as a “physician assistant.” History: 1995 c 205 art 1 s 18; 2009 c 159 s 27

Section 147A.23 — Responding To Disaster Situations.

147A.23 RESPONDING TO DISASTER SITUATIONS. A physician assistant duly licensed or credentialed in a United States jurisdiction or by a federal employer who is responding to a need for medical care created by an emergency according to section 604A.01, or a state or local disaster may render such care as the physician assistant is trained […]

Section 147A.24 — Continuing Education Requirements.

147A.24 CONTINUING EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision 1. Amount of education required. Applicants for license renewal must either meet standards for continuing education through current certification by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants, or its successor agency as approved by the board, or provide evidence of successful completion of at least 50 contact hours of […]

Section 147A.26 — Procedures.

147A.26 PROCEDURES. The board shall establish, in writing, internal operating procedures for receiving and investigating complaints, accepting and processing applications, granting licenses, and imposing enforcement actions. The written internal operating procedures may include procedures for sharing complaint information with government agencies in this and other states. Procedures for sharing complaint information must be consistent with […]