149A.01 PURPOSE AND SCOPE. Subdivision 1. Purpose. This chapter regulates the removal, preparation, transportation, arrangements for disposition, and final disposition of dead human bodies for purposes of public health and protection of the public. Subd. 2. Scope. In Minnesota no person shall, without being licensed by the commissioner of health: (1) take charge of or […]
149A.02 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. For purposes of this chapter, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 1a. Alkaline hydrolysis. “Alkaline hydrolysis” means the reduction of a dead human body to essential elements through a water-based dissolution process using alkaline chemicals, heat, agitation, and pressure to accelerate natural decomposition; the […]
149A.03 DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER. The commissioner shall: (1) enforce all laws and adopt and enforce rules relating to the: (i) removal, preparation, transportation, arrangements for disposition, and final disposition of dead human bodies; (ii) licensure and professional conduct of funeral directors, morticians, interns, practicum students, and clinical students; (iii) licensing and operation of a funeral […]
149A.04 ENFORCEMENT. Subdivision 1. General authority. The provisions of this chapter and all laws, now in force or later enacted, rules, orders, stipulation agreements, settlements, compliance agreements, licenses, and permits adopted or issued for the regulation of the removal, preparation, transportation, arrangements for disposition, or final disposition of dead human bodies or for the regulation […]
149A.05 CORRECTION ORDERS. Subdivision 1. Authorization. The regulatory agency may issue correction orders that require a person subject to regulation under this chapter to correct violations of this chapter or rules, orders, stipulation agreements, settlements, compliance agreements, licenses, and permits adopted or issued by the regulatory agency. Subd. 2. Contents of order. The correction order […]
149A.06 ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY ORDERS. Subdivision 1. Authorization. The regulatory agency may issue an order requiring violations to be corrected and administratively assessing monetary penalties for violations of this chapter or rules, orders, stipulation agreements, settlements, compliance agreements, licenses, and permits adopted, enforced, or issued by the regulatory agency. Subd. 2. Contents of order. An order […]
149A.07 INJUNCTIVE RELIEF. In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the regulatory agency may bring an action for injunctive relief in any district court in any district in Minnesota to restrain any person from violation or threatened violation of any law, rule, order, stipulation agreement, settlement, compliance agreement, license, or permit which the […]
149A.08 CEASE AND DESIST ORDER. Subdivision 1. Authorization. In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the regulatory agency may issue a cease and desist order to: (1) stop a person from violating or threatening to violate any law, rule, order, stipulation agreement, settlement, compliance agreement, license, or permit which the regulatory agency is […]
149A.09 DENIAL; REFUSAL TO REISSUE; REVOCATION; SUSPENSION; LIMITATION OF LICENSE OR PERMIT. Subdivision 1. Denial; refusal to renew; revocation; and suspension. The regulatory agency may deny, refuse to renew, revoke, or suspend any license or permit applied for or issued pursuant to this chapter when the person subject to regulation under this chapter: (1) does […]
149A.10 ADDITIONAL REMEDIES. Subdivision 1. Reimbursement of costs. The regulatory agency may impose a fee on any person subject to regulation under this chapter to reimburse the Department of Health for all or part of the cost of contested case proceedings or civil action resulting in disciplinary action, including, but not limited to, the amount […]
149A.11 PUBLICATION OF DISCIPLINARY ACTIONS. The regulatory agencies shall report all disciplinary measures or actions taken to the commissioner. At least annually, the commissioner shall publish and make available to the public a description of all disciplinary measures or actions taken by the regulatory agencies. The publication shall include, for each disciplinary measure or action […]
149A.20 LICENSE TO PRACTICE MORTUARY SCIENCE. Subdivision 1. License required. Except as provided in section 149A.01, subdivision 3, any person who takes charge of or removes from the place of death a dead human body, or prepares a dead human body for final disposition in any manner, or arranges, directs, or supervises a funeral, memorial […]
149A.30 RECIPROCAL LICENSING. Subdivision 1. Licensees of other states. The commissioner may issue a license to practice mortuary science to a person who holds a current license or other credential from another jurisdiction if the commissioner determines that the requirements for that license or other credential are substantially similar to the requirements under this chapter. […]
149A.40 RENEWAL OF LICENSE TO PRACTICE MORTUARY SCIENCE. Subdivision 1. Renewal request. All licenses to practice mortuary science issued by the commissioner expire on December 31 of the calendar year in which the license is issued and must be renewed to remain valid. Subd. 2. Limited license; funeral director only. Any person who held a […]
149A.45 EMERITUS REGISTRATION FOR MORTUARY SCIENCE PRACTITIONERS. Subdivision 1. Application. Any mortuary science practitioner licensed to practice mortuary science in Minnesota under this chapter may apply to the commissioner for mortuary science practitioner emeritus registration if the person declares that he or she is retired in all jurisdictions from the active practice of mortuary science […]
149A.50 LICENSE TO OPERATE A FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT. Subdivision 1. License required. Except as provided in section 149A.01, subdivision 3, no person shall maintain, manage, or operate a place or premise devoted to or used in the holding, care, or preparation of a dead human body for final disposition, or any place used as the office […]
149A.51 RENEWAL OF LICENSE TO OPERATE A FUNERAL ESTABLISHMENT. Subdivision 1. Renewal required. A license to operate a funeral establishment issued by the commissioner expires on June 30 following the date of issuance of the license and must be renewed to remain valid. Subd. 2. Renewal procedure and documentation. Licensees who wish to renew their […]
149A.52 LICENSE TO OPERATE A CREMATORY. Subdivision 1. License requirement. Except as provided in section 149A.01, subdivision 3, no person shall maintain, manage, or operate a place or premises devoted to or used in the holding and cremation of a dead human body without possessing a valid license to operate a crematory issued by the […]
149A.53 RENEWAL OF LICENSE TO OPERATE CREMATORY. Subdivision 1. Renewal required. All licenses to operate a crematory issued by the commissioner expire on June 30 following the date of issuance of the license and must be renewed to remain valid. Subd. 2. Renewal procedure and documentation. Licensees who wish to renew their licenses must submit […]
149A.54 LICENSE TO OPERATE AN ALKALINE HYDROLYSIS FACILITY. Subdivision 1. License requirement. Except as provided in section 149A.01, subdivision 3, a place or premise shall not be maintained, managed, or operated which is devoted to or used in the holding and alkaline hydrolysis of a dead human body without possessing a valid license to operate […]