149A.55 RENEWAL OF LICENSE TO OPERATE AN ALKALINE HYDROLYSIS FACILITY. Subdivision 1. Renewal required. All licenses to operate an alkaline hydrolysis facility issued by the commissioner expire on June 30 following the date of issuance of the license and must be renewed to remain valid. Subd. 2. Renewal procedure and documentation. Licensees who wish to […]
149A.60 PROHIBITED CONDUCT. The regulatory agency may impose disciplinary measures or take disciplinary action against a person whose conduct is subject to regulation under this chapter for failure to comply with any provision of this chapter or laws, rules, orders, stipulation agreements, settlements, compliance agreements, licenses, and permits adopted, or issued for the regulation of […]
149A.61 COMPLAINTS; REPORTING OBLIGATIONS; FORM; RESPONSE. Subdivision 1. Permission to report. Any person, agency, political subdivision, organization, or association that has knowledge of any conduct constituting grounds for disciplinary action relating to licensure, licensed activities or practices, or unlicensed activities under this chapter may report the conduct to the regulatory agency. Subd. 2. Institutions. A […]
149A.62 IMMUNITY; REPORTING. Any person, private agency, organization, society, association, licensee, or intern who, in good faith, submits information to a regulatory agency under section 149A.61 or otherwise reports violations or alleged violations of this chapter, is immune from civil liability or criminal prosecution. This section does not prohibit disciplinary action taken by the commissioner […]
149A.63 PROFESSIONAL COOPERATION. A licensee, clinical student, practicum student, intern, or applicant for licensure under this chapter that is the subject of or part of an inspection or investigation by the commissioner or the commissioner’s designee shall cooperate fully with the inspection or investigation. Failure to cooperate constitutes grounds for disciplinary action under this chapter. […]
149A.65 FEES. Subdivision 1. Generally. This section establishes the fees for registrations, examinations, initial and renewal licenses, and late fees authorized under the provisions of this chapter. Subd. 2. Mortuary science fees. Fees for mortuary science are: (1) $75 for the initial and renewal registration of a mortuary science intern; (2) $125 for the mortuary […]
149A.70 BUSINESS PRACTICES. Subdivision 1. Use of titles. Only a person holding a valid license to practice mortuary science issued by the commissioner may use the title of mortician, funeral director, or any other title implying that the licensee is engaged in the business or practice of mortuary science. Only the holder of a valid […]
149A.71 FUNERAL INDUSTRY PRACTICES; PRICE DISCLOSURES. Subdivision 1. Unfair or deceptive acts or practices. In selling or offering to sell funeral goods, funeral services, burial site goods, or burial site services to the public, it is an unfair or deceptive act or practice for a funeral provider to fail to furnish accurate price information disclosing […]
149A.72 FUNERAL INDUSTRY PRACTICES; MISREPRESENTATIONS. Subdivision 1. Embalming provisions; deceptive acts or practices. In selling or offering to sell funeral goods or funeral services to the public, it is a deceptive act or practice for a funeral provider to represent that state or local law requires that a dead human body be embalmed when that […]
149A.73 FUNERAL INDUSTRY PRACTICES, GOODS, OR SERVICES. Subdivision 1. Casket for alkaline hydrolysis or cremation provisions; deceptive acts or practices. In selling or offering to sell funeral goods, funeral services, burial site goods, or burial site services to the public, it is a deceptive act or practice for a funeral provider to require that a […]
149A.74 FUNERAL SERVICES PROVIDED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. Subdivision 1. Services provided without prior approval; deceptive acts or practices. In selling or offering to sell funeral goods or funeral services to the public, it is a deceptive act or practice for any funeral provider to embalm a dead human body unless state or local law or […]
149A.745 PROHIBITION ON PREINTERMENT OF OUTER BURIAL CONTAINERS. A funeral provider is prohibited from interring a lined and sealed outer burial container until the death of the beneficiary. History: 2000 c 438 s 28
149A.75 FUNERAL INDUSTRY PRACTICES; RETENTION OF DOCUMENTS. Funeral providers must retain and make available for inspection true and accurate copies of the applicable price lists specified in section 149A.71, subdivision 2, paragraphs (c) to (e), for a minimum of one calendar year after the date of their last distribution to customers. In addition, funeral providers […]
149A.76 FUNERAL INDUSTRY PRACTICES; COMPREHENSION OF DISCLOSURES. Funeral providers must make all disclosures required under sections 149A.71 to 149A.74 in a clear and conspicuous manner. History: 1997 c 215 s 33
149A.80 DEATH; RIGHT TO CONTROL AND DUTY OF DISPOSITION. Subdivision 1. Advance directives and will of decedent. A person may direct the preparation for, type, or place of that person’s final disposition, as well as the type of conveyance to be used to transport the body to the place of final disposition by written instructions. […]
149A.81 ANATOMICAL GIFTS. Subdivision 1. Duty of disposition; gift of part of a body. This chapter does not apply to or interfere with the making of an anatomical gift under chapter 525A, except as provided in this subdivision. When the anatomical gift is of a part of a body, after procurement of the gift organ […]
149A.90 DEATH; REGISTRATION AND REMOVAL FROM PLACE OF DEATH. Subdivision 1. Death record. (a) Except as provided in this section, a death record must be completed and filed for every known death by the mortician, funeral director, or other person lawfully in charge of the final disposition of the body. (b) If the body is […]
149A.91 PREPARATION OF BODY. Subdivision 1. Universal precautions. In handling and preparing dead human bodies for final disposition, any person who comes in direct contact with an unembalmed dead human body or who enters a room where dead human bodies are embalmed, shall use universal precautions and otherwise exercise all reasonable precautions to minimize the […]
149A.92 PREPARATION AND EMBALMING ROOM. Subdivision 1. Scope. (a) Any room used by a funeral establishment for preparation and embalming must comply with the minimum standards of this section. A funeral establishment where no preparation and embalming is performed, but which conducts viewings, visitations, and services, or which holds human remains while awaiting final disposition, […]
149A.93 TRANSPORTATION OF DEAD HUMAN BODIES. Subdivision 1. Permits required. After removal from the place of death to any location where the body is held awaiting final disposition, further transportation of the body shall require a certificate of removal. The certificate of removal shall contain the information required in the format as furnished by the […]