41D.01 MINNESOTA AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION LEADERSHIP COUNCIL. Subdivision 1. Establishment; membership. (a) The Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council is established. The council is composed of 16 members as follows: (1) a representative of an agricultural education program at a higher education institution that prepares agriculture teachers for licensure; (2) a representative of the commissioner of education; […]
41D.02 AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION GRANT PROGRAM. Subdivision 1. Establishment. The Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council shall establish a program to provide grants under subdivisions 2 and 3 to educational institutions and other appropriate entities for secondary and postsecondary agricultural education programs. Subd. 2. Elementary and secondary agricultural education. The council may provide grants for: (1) planning […]
41D.03 MINNESOTA CENTER FOR AGRICULTURAL EDUCATION. Subdivision 1. Governance. The Minnesota Center for Agricultural Education is governed by the Minnesota Agricultural Education Leadership Council. Subd. 2. Powers and duties of council. (a) The council has the powers necessary for the care, management, and control of the Minnesota Center for Agricultural Education and all its real […]
41D.04 RESOURCE, MAGNET, AND OUTREACH PROGRAMS. Subdivision 1. Resource and outreach. The center shall offer resource and outreach programs and services statewide aimed at the enhancement of agricultural education opportunities for pupils in elementary and secondary school. Subd. 2. Center responsibilities. The center shall: (1) provide information and technical services to agriculture teachers, professional agriculture […]