185.01 EMPLOYEES PERMITTED TO ORGANIZE. It shall not be unlawful for workers to organize themselves into, or carry on, labor unions for the purpose of lessening the hours of labor or increasing the wages or bettering the conditions of the members of such organizations or carrying out their legitimate purposes as freely as they could […]
185.02 RESTRAINING ORDER OR INJUNCTION, WHEN NOT ISSUED. No restraining order or injunction shall be granted by any court of this state, or any judge thereof, in any case between an employer and employee, or between employees, or between persons employed and persons seeking employment, involving or growing out of a dispute concerning terms or […]
185.03 NOT TO BE ISSUED TO PREVENT TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT. No restraining order or injunction shall prohibit any person or persons, whether singly or in concert, from terminating any relation of employment or from ceasing to perform any work or labor; or from recommending, advising, or persuading others by peaceful means so to do; or […]
185.04 LABOR NOT A COMMODITY OR ARTICLE OF COMMERCE. The labor of a human being is not a commodity or article of commerce, and the right to enter into the relation of employer and employee, or the right to change that relation; or to assume and create a new relation for employer and employee; or […]
185.05 INDICTMENT, WHEN NOT TO BE RETURNED. No person shall be indicted, prosecuted, or tried in any court of this state for entering into or carrying on any arrangement, agreement, or combination between themselves made with a view of lessening the number of hours of labor or increasing wages or bettering the condition of workers, […]
185.06 POWER OF EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT OR COURTS NOT CURTAILED UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS; CRIMINAL SYNDICALISM. Nothing in sections 185.01 to 185.06 shall hamper or curtail, or in any manner take away, the power of the executive department, or of the courts, where there is threatened any irreparable injury to business or property by reason of violence, […]
185.07 JURISDICTION OF COURT LIMITED. No court of the state shall have jurisdiction to issue any restraining order or temporary or permanent injunction in a case involving or growing out of a labor dispute, except in a strict conformity with the provisions of sections 185.07 to 185.19; nor shall any such restraining order, or temporary […]
185.08 PUBLIC POLICY DECLARED. In the interpretation of the provisions of sections 185.07 to 185.19 and in determining the jurisdiction and authority of the courts of the state, as such jurisdiction and authority are therein defined and limited, the public policy of this state is hereby declared as follows. Whereas, under prevailing economic conditions, developed […]
185.09 CERTAIN ACTS NOT ENFORCEABLE. (a) Any undertaking or promise such as is described in this section, or any other undertaking or promise in conflict with the public policy declared in section 185.08, is hereby declared to be contrary to the public policy of the state, shall not be enforceable in any court of the […]
185.10 RESTRAINING ORDERS, WHEN NOT ISSUED. No court of the state shall have jurisdiction to issue any restraining order, or temporary or permanent injunction, in any case involving or growing out of any labor dispute, to prohibit any person or persons participating or interested in such dispute, as these terms are defined in this chapter, […]
185.11 RESTRAINING ORDERS OR INJUNCTIONS NOT ISSUED ON CERTAIN GROUNDS. No court of the state shall have jurisdiction to issue a restraining order, or temporary or permanent injunction, upon the ground that any of the persons participating or interested in a labor dispute constitute or are engaged in an unlawful combination or conspiracy because of […]
185.12 ASSOCIATIONS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ACTS OF INDIVIDUALS. No officer or member of any association or organization, and no association or organization, participating or interested in a labor dispute, shall be held responsible or liable in any court of the state for the unlawful acts of individual officers, members, or agents, except upon clear proof […]
185.13 LIMITED JURISDICTION OF COURT IN CERTAIN CASES. (a) No court of the state shall have jurisdiction to issue a temporary or permanent injunction in any case involving or growing out of a labor dispute, except after hearing the testimony of witnesses in open court, with opportunity for cross-examination, in support of the allegations of […]
185.14 FINDINGS OF FACT BASIS OF INJUNCTIONS OR RESTRAINING ORDERS. No restraining order or temporary or permanent injunction shall be granted in a case involving or growing out of a labor dispute, except on the basis of findings of fact made and filed by the court in the record of the case prior to the […]
185.15 COURT TO CERTIFY PROCEEDINGS ON APPEAL. When any court of the state shall issue or deny any temporary injunction in a case involving or growing out of a labor dispute, the court shall, upon the request of any party to the proceedings, and on the party filing the usual bond for costs, forthwith certify, […]
185.16 RIGHT TO SPEEDY TRIAL. In all cases arising under sections 185.07 to 185.19 in which a person shall be charged with contempt in a court of the state, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial by an impartial jury of the county and district wherein the contempt shall have […]
185.17 PROCEEDINGS IN CONTEMPT CASES. The defendant, in any proceeding for contempt of court, may file with the court a demand for the retirement of the judge sitting in the proceeding, if the contempt arises from an attack upon the character or conduct of such judge, and if the attack occurred elsewhere than in the […]
185.18 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Words, terms, and phrases. Unless the language or context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended, the following words, terms, and phrases, for the purposes of sections 185.07 to 185.19, shall be given the meanings subjoined to them. Subd. 2. Case which involves or grows out of labor dispute. A […]
185.19 APPLICATION OF SECTIONS 185.07 TO 185.18. Sections 185.07 to 185.18 shall not be held to apply to police officers or firefighters or any other public officials charged with duties relating to public safety. History: (4260-15) 1933 c 416 s 15; 1977 c 429 s 63; 1986 c 444
185.20 INJUNCTIONS BETWEEN EMPLOYERS IN LABOR DISPUTES. Subdivision 1. Violation of agreement. When any group of employers of labor, residing or operating in this state, have, by written agreement between themselves, agreed upon certain minimum wages to be paid to their employees, hours of labor, or other conditions of employment, and such agreement is willfully […]