207A.11 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PRIMARY ESTABLISHED. (a) A presidential nomination primary must be held each year in which a president and vice president of the United States are to be nominated and elected. (b) The party chairs must jointly submit to the secretary of state, no later than March 1 in a year prior to a […]
207A.12 CONDUCTING PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PRIMARY. (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, the presidential nomination primary must be conducted, and the results canvassed and returned, in the manner provided by law for the state primary. (b) An individual seeking to vote at the presidential nomination primary must be registered to vote pursuant to section 201.054, […]
207A.13 FORM OF BALLOTS; CANDIDATES ON BALLOT. Subdivision 1. Form. (a) Except as provided by law, presidential nomination primary ballots shall be printed in the same manner as state primary ballots as far as practicable. A sufficient number of each ballot shall be printed for each precinct and ward in the state. (b) There must […]
207A.14 NOTICE OF PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PRIMARY; EXAMPLE BALLOTS. Subdivision 1. Notice of primary to counties and municipalities. Twenty weeks before a presidential nomination primary is to be held, the secretary of state shall provide notice to the county auditor of each county of the date of the presidential nomination primary. Within ten days after notification […]
207A.15 PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION PRIMARY ELECTION EXPENSES; LOCAL REIMBURSEMENT. Subdivision 1. Presidential nomination primary elections account; special revenue fund. (a) A presidential nomination primary elections account is created in the special revenue fund. (b) No later than September 1 of the year preceding a presidential election year, the secretary of state shall certify to the commissioner […]