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Home » US Law » 2022 Minnesota Statutes » Chapters 223 - 236A — Farm Products, Commercial Practices » Chapter 228 — Crimes Involving Bills Of Lading

Section 228.45 — Issuing Bill For Goods Not Received, Controlled.

228.45 ISSUING BILL FOR GOODS NOT RECEIVED, CONTROLLED. Subdivision 1. Elements of crime. An officer, agent, or employee of a carrier, who with intent to defraud issues or helps to issue a bill knowing that all or part of the goods for which the bill is issued are not received or are not under the […]

Section 228.46 — Issuing A Bill With A False Statement In It.

228.46 ISSUING A BILL WITH A FALSE STATEMENT IN IT. Subdivision 1. Elements of crime. An officer, agent, or employee of a carrier, who with intent to defraud issues or helps to issue a bill for goods knowing that the bill contains a false statement, is guilty of a crime. Subd. 2. Penalty. Whoever commits […]

Section 228.47 — Issuing A Duplicate Bill With Fraud In Mind.

228.47 ISSUING A DUPLICATE BILL WITH FRAUD IN MIND. Subdivision 1. Elements of crime. An officer, agent, or employee of a carrier, who with intent to defraud issues or helps to issue a negotiable bill for goods, knowing that another negotiable bill for some or all of the goods is outstanding and uncanceled, is guilty […]

Section 228.48 — Negotiating Bill Without Clear Title To Goods.

228.48 NEGOTIATING BILL WITHOUT CLEAR TITLE TO GOODS. Subdivision 1. Elements of crime. If: (1) a person ships goods without having title to the goods or with a lien or mortgage on them; (2) the person takes a negotiable bill for the goods; and (3) the person later negotiates the bill for value with intent […]

Section 228.49 — Negotiating Bill For Goods Carrier Does Not Have.

228.49 NEGOTIATING BILL FOR GOODS CARRIER DOES NOT HAVE. Subdivision 1. Elements of crime. If: (1) a carrier issues a bill for goods; (2) the goods by the terms of the bill appear to have been received for transportation by the carrier; and (3) a person intending to deceive negotiates or transfers the bill for […]

Section 228.50 — Getting Carrier Without Goods To Issue A Bill.

228.50 GETTING CARRIER WITHOUT GOODS TO ISSUE A BILL. Subdivision 1. Elements of crime. If: (1) a person gets an officer, agent, or employee of a carrier falsely to believe that the carrier has or controls goods; (2) the person, with intent to defraud, gets the carrier to issue a bill for the goods; and […]

Section 228.51 — Issuing A Nonnegotiable Bill Not So Marked.

228.51 ISSUING A NONNEGOTIABLE BILL NOT SO MARKED. Subdivision 1. Elements of crime. A person who with intent to defraud issues or helps to issue a nonnegotiable bill without putting the words “not negotiable” plainly on the face of the bill, is guilty of a crime. Subd. 2. Penalty. Whoever commits the crime described in […]