260B.175 TAKING CHILD INTO CUSTODY. Subdivision 1. Immediate custody. No child may be taken into immediate custody except: (a) with an order issued by the court in accordance with the provisions of section 260C.151, subdivision 6, or Laws 1997, chapter 239, article 10, section 10, paragraph (a), clause (3), or 12, paragraph (a), clause (3), […]
260B.1755 ALTERNATIVE TO ARREST OF CERTAIN JUVENILE OFFENDERS AUTHORIZED. (a) A peace officer who has probable cause to believe that a child is a petty offender or delinquent child may refer the child to a program, including restorative programs, that the law enforcement agency with jurisdiction over the child deems appropriate. (b) If a peace […]
260B.176 RELEASE OR DETENTION. Subdivision 1. Notification; release. If a child is taken into custody as provided in section 260B.175, the parent, guardian, or custodian of the child shall be notified as soon as possible. Unless there is reason to believe that the child would endanger self or others, not return for a court hearing, […]
260B.178 DETENTION HEARING. Subdivision 1. Hearing and release requirements. (a) The court shall hold a detention hearing: (1) within 36 hours of the time the child was taken into custody, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays, if the child is being held at a juvenile secure detention facility or shelter care facility; or (2) within 24 […]
260B.181 PLACE OF TEMPORARY CUSTODY; SHELTER CARE FACILITY. Subdivision 1. Temporary custody. A child taken into custody pursuant to sections 260B.175 and 260C.175 may be detained for up to 24 hours in a shelter care facility, secure detention facility, or, if there is no secure detention facility available for use by the county having jurisdiction […]
260B.185 EXTENSION OF DETENTION PERIOD. Subdivision 1. Detention. Before July 1, 1999, and pursuant to a request from an eight-day temporary holdover facility, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1998, section 241.0221, the commissioner of corrections, or the commissioner’s designee, may grant a onetime extension per child to the eight-day limit on detention under this chapter. […]
260B.188 CHILDREN IN CUSTODY; RESPONSIBILITY FOR MEDICAL CARE. Subdivision 1. Medical aid. If a child is taken into custody as provided in section 260B.175 and detained in a local juvenile secure detention facility or shelter care facility, or if a child is sentenced by the juvenile court to a local correctional facility as defined in […]