299L.01 DIVISION OF ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT. Subdivision 1. Definitions. (a) For the purposes of this chapter, the terms defined in this subdivision have the meanings given them. (b) “Division” means the Division of Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement. (c) “Commissioner” means the commissioner of public safety. (d) “Director” means the director of alcohol and gambling […]
299L.02 DUTIES OF DIVISION OF ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT. Subdivision 1. Lottery. (a) The director shall when required under chapter 349A or when requested by the director of the lottery conduct background checks on employees of the State Lottery, lottery retailers, and bidders of lottery procurement contracts. (b) The director shall, when so requested by […]
299L.03 POWERS OF DIRECTOR. Subdivision 1. Inspections; access. In conducting any inspection authorized under this chapter or chapter 240, 349, or 349A, the division employees have free and open access to all parts of the regulated business premises, and may conduct the inspection at any reasonable time without notice and without a search warrant. For […]
299L.05 GAMBLING VIOLATIONS; RESTRICTIONS ON FURTHER ACTIVITY. An owner of an establishment is prohibited from having lawful gambling under chapter 349 conducted on the premises, or selling any lottery tickets under chapter 349A, if a person was convicted of violating section 609.76, subdivision 1, clause (7), or 609.76, subdivision 2, for an activity occurring on […]
299L.06 JURISDICTION. In any investigation or other enforcement activity where there is probable cause to believe that a criminal violation relating to gambling has occurred, except a violation relating only to taxation, the division rather than any other state department, agency, or office shall be the primary investigation entity where enforcement rests. History: 1990 c […]
299L.07 GAMBLING DEVICES. Subdivision 1. License required. Except as provided in subdivision 2, a person may not (1) manufacture, sell, offer to sell, lease, rent, or otherwise provide, in whole or in part, a gambling device as defined in sections 349.30, subdivision 2, and 609.75, subdivision 4, or (2) operate a testing facility, without first […]
299L.08 TEMPORARY POSSESSION; PERMIT. Subdivision 1. Permit authorized. The director may issue a temporary permit for a person to possess a gambling device for the purpose of displaying the gambling device at a trade show, convention, or other event where gambling devices are displayed. Subd. 2. Application; fee. An application for a temporary permit under […]
299L.09 LOTTERY SERVICE BUSINESS. Subdivision 1. Definition. For purposes of this section: (a) A “lottery service business” is a commercial enterprise that for a fee or commission purchases lottery tickets on behalf of customers or subscribers. (b) “Disqualifying offense” means any felony, gross misdemeanor, and any criminal offense involving fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit. Subd. 2. […]