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Home » US Law » 2022 Minnesota Statutes » Chapters 324 - 341 — Trade Regulations, Consumer Protection » Chapter 326 — Employments Licensed By State » ARCHITECTS, ENGINEERS, SURVEYORS, LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTS, GEOSCIENTISTS, INTERIOR DESIGNERS

Section 326.02 — Licensure Or Certification.

326.02 LICENSURE OR CERTIFICATION. Subdivision 1. Licensure or certification mandatory. In order to safeguard life, health, and property, and to promote the public welfare, any person in either public or private capacity practicing, or offering to practice, architecture, professional engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, or professional geoscience, or using the title certified interior designer in […]

Section 326.03 — License Or Certificate Required.

326.03 LICENSE OR CERTIFICATE REQUIRED. Subdivision 1. Plans; documents. No person, except an architect, engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, geoscientist, or certified interior designer, licensed or certified as provided for in sections 326.02 to 326.15 shall practice architecture, professional engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, or professional geoscience, or use the title certified interior designer, respectively, […]

Section 326.031 — Specifications For Public Facilities, Use Of Brand Names.

326.031 SPECIFICATIONS FOR PUBLIC FACILITIES, USE OF BRAND NAMES. Any engineer, architect, certified interior designer, or other person preparing specifications with respect to a contract for the construction of any facility for the state, or any agency or department thereof, or for any county, city, town, or school district, shall at the time of submitting […]

Section 326.04 — Board Established.

326.04 BOARD ESTABLISHED. Subdivision 1. Board composition. To carry out the provisions of sections 326.02 to 326.15 there is hereby created a Board of Architecture, Engineering, Land Surveying, Landscape Architecture, Geoscience, and Interior Design consisting of 21 members, who shall be appointed by the governor. Three members shall be licensed architects, five members shall be […]

Section 326.05 — Qualifications Of Board Members.

326.05 QUALIFICATIONS OF BOARD MEMBERS. Each member of the board shall be a resident of this state at the time of and throughout the member’s appointment. Each member except the public members shall have been engaged in the practice of the relevant profession for at least ten years and shall have been in responsible charge […]

Section 326.06 — General Powers And Duties Of Board.

326.06 GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF BOARD. Each member of the board shall receive a certificate of appointment from the governor, and, before beginning a term of office, shall file with the secretary of state the constitutional oath of office. The board shall adopt and have an official seal, which shall be affixed to all […]

Section 326.07 — Board, Meetings, Officers, Quorum.

326.07 BOARD, MEETINGS, OFFICERS, QUORUM. The board shall hold meetings at such times the board shall specify. Notice of all meetings shall be given in such manner as the bylaws may provide as described in chapter 13D. The board shall elect annually from its members a chair, a vice-chair, a secretary and a treasurer. A […]

Section 326.09 — Records Of Board.

326.09 RECORDS OF BOARD. The board shall keep a record of its proceedings and a register of all applicants for licensing, showing for each the date of application, name, age, educational and other qualifications, place of business, and the place of residence, whether or not an examination was required and whether the applicant was rejected […]

Section 326.10 — Licensure And Certification.

326.10 LICENSURE AND CERTIFICATION. Subdivision 1. Issuance. The board shall on application therefor on a prescribed form, and upon payment of a fee prescribed by rule of the board, issue a license or certificate as an architect, engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, geoscientist, or certified interior designer. A separate fee shall be paid for each […]

Section 326.105 — Fees.

326.105 FEES. The fee for licensure or renewal of licensure as an architect, professional engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, or geoscience professional is $120 per biennium. The fee for certification as a certified interior designer or for renewal of the certificate is $120 per biennium. The fee for an architect applying for original certification as […]

Section 326.106 — Definitions.

326.106 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. The terms used in section 326.107 have the meanings given them in this section. Subd. 2. Biennial renewal. “Biennial renewal” means a period of time consisting of two consecutive 12-month periods ending on June 30 of each even-numbered year. Subd. 3. Dual license or certificate holder. “Dual license or certificate […]

Section 326.107 — Continuing Education.

326.107 CONTINUING EDUCATION. Subdivision 1. Requirements. (a) Architects, professional engineers, land surveyors, landscape architects, geoscientists, and interior designers licensed or certified by this board must obtain the number of professional development hours described in paragraphs (b) to (d) during each two-year period of licensure or certification identified in section 326.105. This requirement must be satisfied […]

Section 326.11 — License And Certificate Regulation.

326.11 LICENSE AND CERTIFICATE REGULATION. Subdivision 1. Revocation or suspension. The board shall have the power to revoke or suspend the license or certificate of any architect, engineer, land surveyor, landscape architect, geoscientist, or certified interior designer, who is found guilty by the board of any fraud or deceit in obtaining a license or certificate, […]

Section 326.111 — Unauthorized Practice; Disciplinary Action.

326.111 UNAUTHORIZED PRACTICE; DISCIPLINARY ACTION. Subdivision 1. Generally. (a) If the board, or the complaint committee if authorized by the board, has a reasonable basis to believe that a person has engaged in an act or practice constituting the unauthorized practice of architecture, engineering, land surveying, landscape architecture, geoscience, or the unauthorized use of the […]

Section 326.12 — License Or Certificate As Evidence; Seal.

326.12 LICENSE OR CERTIFICATE AS EVIDENCE; SEAL. Subdivision 1. Judicial proof. The issuance of a license or certificate by the board shall be evidence that the person named therein is entitled to all the rights and privileges of a licensed architect, licensed engineer, licensed land surveyor, licensed landscape architect, licensed geoscientist, or certified interior designer […]

Section 326.13 — Practice Exempt.

326.13 PRACTICE EXEMPT. Practice of architecture, engineering, landscape architecture, land surveying, or geoscience, or use of the title certified interior designer in this state prior to licensure or certification by the board shall be permitted under the following conditions and limitations: (1) By any person or firm not a resident of and having no established […]

Section 326.14 — Corporations And Partnerships Authorized.

326.14 CORPORATIONS AND PARTNERSHIPS AUTHORIZED. A corporation, partnership or other firm may engage in work of an architectural or engineering character, in land surveying, in landscape architecture, or in geoscience, or use the title of certified interior designer in this state, provided the person or persons connected with such corporation, partnership or other firm in […]

Section 326.15 — False Impersonation.

326.15 FALSE IMPERSONATION. It shall be unlawful for any person to present or attempt to use as the person’s own the seal or certificate of another, or to give false or forged evidence of any kind to the board, or any member thereof, or to falsely impersonate any licensee or certificate holder of like or […]