327.14 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Terms. For the purposes of sections 327.10, 327.11, and 327.14 to 327.28, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. Manufactured home. “Manufactured home” has the meaning specified in section 327.31, subdivision 6. Subd. 3. Manufactured home park. “Manufactured home park” means any site, lot, field […]
327.15 LICENSE REQUIRED; RENEWAL; FEES. Subdivision 1. License required; plan review. No person, firm or corporation shall establish, maintain, conduct or operate a manufactured home park or recreational camping area within this state without first obtaining an annual license from the state Department of Health. Any person wishing to obtain a license shall submit an […]
327.16 PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION. Subdivision 1. Application to Department of Health. The plan review application for a manufactured home park or recreational camping area shall be made to the state Department of Health, at such office and in such manner as may be prescribed by that department. Subd. 2. Contents. The plan review application shall […]
327.20 RULES. Subdivision 1. Rules. No domestic animals or house pets of occupants of manufactured home parks or recreational camping areas shall be allowed to run at large, or commit any nuisances within the limits of a manufactured home park or recreational camping area. Each manufactured home park or recreational camping area licensed under the […]
327.201 STATE FAIR AND COUNTY FAIR CAMPING AREAS. Subdivision 1. State Fair camping areas. Notwithstanding sections 327.14 to 327.28 or any rule adopted by the commissioner of health, the State Agricultural Society must operate and maintain a camping area on the State Fairgrounds during the State Fair and the Minnesota Street Rod Association’s Back to […]
327.202 STATE FAIR LIVESTOCK AND MIDWAY EXHIBITORS. During the State Fair, a person may sleep in a vehicle in a designated State Fairgrounds parking lot if the vehicle displays a valid exhibitor parking permit. History: 2005 c 15 s 2
327.205 SHELTER CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS. The commissioner of labor and industry shall adopt, by rule, minimum standards for the construction of low cost manufactured home park storm shelters by March 1, 1988. All shelters constructed after March 1, 1988, shall be constructed in accordance with these standards. History: 1987 c 195 s 2; 2007 c 140 […]
327.23 CONSTRUCTION OF TERMS; MUNICIPAL PARKS. Subdivision 1. State parks. Nothing in sections 327.10, 327.11, and 327.14 to 327.28, should be construed to include any of the state parks in Minnesota. Subd. 2. Manufactured home park. (a) The term “manufactured home park” shall not be construed to include: (1) manufactured homes, buildings, tents or other […]
327.24 ENFORCEMENT. Subdivision 1. [Repealed, 1993 c 206 s 25] Subd. 2. [Repealed, 1993 c 206 s 25] Subd. 3. Private remedies. Any person injured or threatened with injury by a violation of sections 327.14 to 327.28 or of the rules of the Department of Health applicable to manufactured home parks may bring a private […]
327.25 OPERATION, PART OF YEAR. If any applicant for a manufactured home park license desires to operate such manufactured home park only during the months from May 1 to October 1, the applicant shall pay the above mentioned annual license fee. If in the opinion of the state Department of Health the sanitary and facility […]
327.26 LOCAL AUTHORITY OVER PARKS AND CAMPING AREAS. Subdivision 1. Local licenses prohibited. No municipality may impose any license (1) upon any licensed manufactured home park or recreational camping area, or (2) upon any occupant of a licensed manufactured home park. Subd. 2. Local law enforcement. Any municipality which enacts or has enacted laws or […]
327.27 REGULATORY PROVISIONS. Subdivision 1. Fire extinguishers. Each manufactured home owner shall provide each manufactured home with a fire marshal approved type extinguisher, kept in constant usable condition. No manufactured home may be parked more than three days without a usable fire extinguisher in the manufactured home. Subd. 2. State speed limit. Except as provided […]
327.28 UNLAWFUL PARKING OF MANUFACTURED HOMES. Where a licensed manufactured home park is reasonably available in the general area it shall be unlawful for any person to occupy any manufactured home located elsewhere than in a licensed manufactured home park unless adequate sanitary and water facilities are provided for occupants’ use 24 hours each day. […]