346.08 DISTRAINT OF ANIMALS DOING DAMAGE. The owner or occupant of lands may distrain any beast doing damage thereon, either while upon the premises or upon immediate pursuit of such beast escaping therefrom, and before returning to the enclosure or immediate care of the owner or keeper, and keep such beast upon the distrainer’s premises, […]
346.09 ANIMALS DOING DAMAGE. Subdivision 1. Notice; appraisers. The person distraining shall give notice to the owner of the beast, if known to the distrainer, within 24 hours if the owner resides in the same town, and within 48 hours if the owner resides in another town in the same county, Sundays excepted. The notice […]
346.10 APPRAISEMENT; PROCEDURE. The appraisers, immediately after their appointment, shall be sworn and view the damage done. They may take the evidence of any witnesses of the facts and circumstances necessary to enable them to ascertain the extent of such damage, and the insufficiency of any line fence on the premises where the damage was […]
346.11 TENDER BY OWNER; EFFECT. At any time before proceedings are begun for such appraisement, or before action is brought for the recovery of damages, the owner or the owner’s agent may tender, to the person aggrieved by the depredation of such animal, the amount of damages which such owner may believe has been sustained. […]
346.12 IMPOUNDMENTS. Unless the damages so ascertained, together with the fees of the appraisers and justice, shall be paid within 24 hours after appraisal, the person distraining shall cause the beasts to be put into the nearest pound of the same town, if there be one; and, if not, then in some secure enclosure therein, […]
346.13 POUNDMASTER; CUSTODY; SALE; TIME; NOTICE. The poundmaster shall receive and keep in the public pound any beasts so delivered to the poundmaster; and, unless seized or discharged according to law within six days, shall sell the same or as many as shall be necessary to pay such damages, fees, and costs, at public auction, […]
346.14 SALE OF ANIMAL NOT IMPOUNDED. If, by reason of there being no pound within such town, such beasts shall be kept within some other enclosure, and shall not be discharged therefrom in the manner hereinbefore provided within six days after being placed therein, the sheriff of the county shall sell such beasts, or so […]
346.15 REDEMPTION. The purchaser of any animal sold under sections 346.13 and 346.14 shall keep the same at least two months, during which time the owner may redeem such animal by paying all costs and charges of keeping, and the amount paid therefor at the sale, with interest thereon at 12 percent per annum. History: […]