348.01 FOR TIMBER GROWING. Every person who shall plant one acre or more of land with forest trees of any kind other than black locust, and shall keep such trees growing in a thrifty condition, and not more than 12 feet apart either way, replacing yearly such as may die, or who shall maintain and […]
348.02 CLAIM AND PROOF. The claimant shall file with the county auditor a plat giving the government subdivision, and the position of the trees thereon. If the number of trees be increased, supplemental plats shall be filed. The claimant shall show ownership of the land, and make oath to the planting and maintaining of the […]
348.04 PROOFS SENT TO COMMISSIONER OF NATURAL RESOURCES. Before August 1 the county auditor shall examine the proofs furnished by the claimant, and, if they appear correct in substance, the county auditor shall immediately forward to the commissioner of natural resources the original proofs of claim and a certified list of all plats filed. History: […]
348.05 COMMISSIONER OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET TO ISSUE PAYMENT. The commissioner of management and budget shall audit all such claims, and, on the first Monday of October, in each year, shall issue a payment to the several claimants for the amount to which each is entitled; but, if the aggregate of compensation due to all […]
348.12 BOUNTIES, CERTAIN ANIMALS. Any county board or board of town supervisors may, by resolution, offer a bounty for the destruction of gophers or ground squirrels. The resolution may be made to cover the whole or any part of the county, and may be annually renewed, but it shall have force and effect only during […]
348.125 COYOTE CONFLICT MANAGEMENT OPTION. A county or town board may, by resolution, offer a bounty for the taking of coyotes (Canis latrans) by all legal methods. The resolution may be made applicable to the whole or any part of the county or town. The bounty must apply during the months specified in the resolution […]
348.13 BOUNTIES PAID BY TOWNS, REQUIREMENTS. The four feet of striped and gray gophers and woodchucks, and both front feet of pocket gophers shall be produced to the chair of the town board of the town where they were killed, and if the chair shall be satisfied that they were killed within the designated territory […]