349.11 PURPOSE. The purpose of sections 349.11 to 349.22 is to regulate lawful gambling, to insure integrity of operations, and to provide for the use of net profits only for lawful purposes. History: 1976 c 261 s 1; 1Sp1981 c 4 art 1 s 162; 1984 c 502 art 12 s 2; 1989 c 334 […]
349.12 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. As used in sections 349.11 to 349.23 the terms in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. Active member. “Active member” means a member: (1) who has paid all dues to the organization; (2) who is 18 years of age or older; (3) who has equal voting rights […]
349.13 LAWFUL GAMBLING. Lawful gambling is not a lottery or gambling within the meaning of sections 609.75 to 609.76 if it is conducted under this chapter. A pull-tab dispensing device, electronic bingo device, and electronic pull-tab device permitted under this chapter and by board rule is not a gambling device within the meaning of sections […]
349.15 USE OF GROSS PROFITS. Subdivision 1. Expenditure restrictions, requirements, and civil penalties. (a) Gross profits from lawful gambling may be expended only for lawful purposes or allowable expenses as authorized by the membership of the conducting organization at a monthly meeting of the organization’s membership. (b) For each 12-month period beginning July 1, a […]
349.151 GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD. Subdivision 1. Board created. The Gambling Control Board is created with the powers and duties established by subdivision 4. Subd. 2. Membership. (a) The board consists of seven members, as follows: (1) five members appointed by the governor; (2) one member appointed by the commissioner of public safety; and (3) one […]
349.152 DIRECTOR. Subdivision 1. Appointed. The governor shall appoint, with the advice and consent of the senate, a director from a list of one or more persons submitted by the board. The director serves in the unclassified service at the pleasure of the governor. Subd. 2. Duties of director. The director has the following duties: […]
349.153 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. (a) A person may not serve on the board, be the director, or be an employee of the board who has an interest in any corporation, association, limited liability company, or partnership that is licensed by the board as a distributor, manufacturer, or linked bingo game provider. (b) A member of […]
349.154 EXPENDITURES; STANDARDS. Subdivision 1. Standards for certain organizations. The board shall by rule prescribe standards that must be met annually by any licensed organization that is a 501(c)(3) or festival organization. The standards must provide: (1) operating standards for the organization, including a maximum percentage or percentages of the organization’s total expenditures that may […]
349.155 LICENSES; LICENSE ACTIONS. Subdivision 1. Forms. All applications for a license must be on a form prescribed by the board. In the case of applications by an organization the board may require the organization to submit a copy of its articles of incorporation and other documents the board deems necessary. Subd. 2. Investigation fee. […]
349.16 ORGANIZATION LICENSES. Subdivision 1. License required. An organization may conduct lawful gambling if it has a license to conduct lawful gambling and complies with this chapter. Subd. 1a. [Repealed by amendment, 1990 c 590 art 1 s 17] Subd. 2. Issuance of gambling licenses. (a) Licenses authorizing organizations to conduct lawful gambling may be […]
349.161 DISTRIBUTOR LICENSES. Subdivision 1. Prohibited acts; licenses required. (a) No person may: (1) sell, offer for sale, or furnish gambling equipment for use within the state other than for lawful gambling exempt or excluded from licensing, except to an organization licensed for lawful gambling; (2) sell, offer for sale, or furnish gambling equipment for […]
349.162 EQUIPMENT REGISTERED. Subdivision 1. Registration required. A distributor may not sell, transfer, furnish, or otherwise provide to a person, and no person may purchase, borrow, accept, or acquire from a distributor gambling equipment for use within the state unless the equipment has been registered with the board or the Department of Revenue in a […]
349.163 LICENSING OF MANUFACTURERS. Subdivision 1. License required. No manufacturer of gambling equipment may sell any gambling equipment to any person for use or resale within the state, unless the manufacturer has a current and valid license issued by the board under this section and has satisfied other criteria prescribed by the board by rule. […]
349.1635 LINKED BINGO GAME PROVIDER LICENSE. Subdivision 1. License required. No person may do any of the following without having first obtained a license from the board: (1) provide the means to link prizes in a linked bingo game; (2) provide linked bingo game prize management; (3) provide the linked bingo system; or (4) provide […]
349.1641 LICENSES; SUMMARY SUSPENSION. (a) The board may (1) summarily suspend the license of an organization that is more than 45 days late in filing a monthly report required to be submitted to the board under this chapter or board rule or a tax return or in paying a tax required under chapter 297E and […]
349.165 PREMISES PERMITS. Subdivision 1. Premises permit required; application. A licensed organization may not conduct lawful gambling at any site unless it has first obtained from the board a premises permit for the site. The board shall prescribe a form for permit applications, and each application for a permit must be submitted on a separate […]
349.166 EXCLUSIONS; EXEMPTIONS. Subdivision 1. Exclusions. (a) Bingo, with the exception of linked bingo games, may be conducted without a license and without complying with sections 349.168, subdivisions 1 and 2; 349.17, subdivisions 4 and 5; 349.18, subdivision 1; and 349.19, if it is conducted: (1) by an organization in connection with a county fair, […]
349.167 GAMBLING MANAGERS. Subdivision 1. Gambling manager required. (a) All lawful gambling conducted by a licensed organization must be under the supervision of a gambling manager. A gambling manager designated by an organization to supervise lawful gambling is responsible for the gambling gross receipts of the organization and for its conduct in compliance with all […]
349.168 GAMBLING EMPLOYEES. Subdivision 1. Registration of employees. A person may not receive compensation for participating in the conduct of lawful gambling as an employee of a licensed organization unless the person has first registered with the licensed organization on a United States government-required form documenting the person’s identity and employment authorization. The form must […]
349.169 FILING OF INVENTORY AND DISCOUNTS. Subdivision 1. Filing required. Manufacturers, distributors, and linked bingo game providers must file, by the 20th of each month, with the director a list of all gambling equipment that the manufacturer, distributor, or linked bingo game provider sold or leased in the preceding month. The filing must be in […]