441.26 ROAD, BRIDGE, FERRY BEYOND FOURTH CLASS, STATUTORY CITY. The council of any statutory city or of any city of the fourth class may appropriate and expend such reasonable sums as it may deem proper to assist in the improvement and maintenance of roads lying beyond its boundaries and leading into it and to improve […]
441.47 CITIES MAY ACQUIRE TOLL BRIDGES. Any city of this state, however organized, bordering upon any navigable or nonnavigable stream, river, or body of water, including any international or interstate navigable or nonnavigable stream, river, or body of water, is authorized to acquire, purchase, construct, maintain, and operate bridges and approaches thereto across any such […]
441.48 MAY PURCHASE OR CONSTRUCT BRIDGES. Every city which shall by ordinance have determined to exercise the powers granted by sections 441.47 to 441.55 shall have the right to acquire, purchase, construct, maintain, and operate any such bridges and approaches thereto across, above, or under any railroad or public utility right-of-way and in, upon, under, […]
441.49 TOLL BRIDGES REVENUE BONDS. For the purpose of acquiring, purchasing, or constructing any such bridges and approaches, the governing body of each such city is authorized to borrow money and in evidence thereof to issue toll bridge revenue bonds of such city, payable solely from the revenues derived from the operation of any such […]
441.50 SINKING FUND. Any ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds under sections 441.47 to 441.55 shall provide for the creation of a sinking fund into which shall be payable from the revenues of any such bridges from month to month as such revenues are collected such sums in excess of the cost of the maintenance […]
441.52 BONDS SOLD NOTWITHSTANDING LIMITATIONS. The bonds authorized by sections 441.47 to 441.55 may be issued and sold by any such city in accordance with the terms of the ordinance adopted therefor, notwithstanding any limitation contained in the charter of the city or in any law of the state prescribing or fixing any limit upon […]
441.53 FUNDS KEPT IN SEPARATE ACCOUNT. Every city owning and operating a toll bridge under sections 441.47 to 441.55 must keep all income and revenues derived from the operation thereof separate and distinct from all other revenues of the city, and keep books of account therefor distinct from all other city accounts and in such […]
441.54 BONDS NOT INDEBTEDNESS OF CITY. All bonds issued under sections 441.47 to 441.55 shall be exempt from and shall not constitute an indebtedness of any such city within the meaning of any provisions contained in the charter of the city or in any law of the state prescribing, limiting, or fixing the time and […]
441.55 HOLDERS OF BONDS MAY SUE. Any holder of a bond or bonds, or any of the coupons of any bond or bonds, issued under the provisions of sections 441.47 to 441.55 may, either in law or in equity, by suit, action, mandamus, or other proceedings, enforce or compel the performance of all duties required […]