447.37 POWERS SUPPLEMENTARY. The powers granted here are supplementary to and not in substitution for other powers of counties, cities, and towns in connection with the acquisition, betterment, administration, operation, and maintenance of hospitals and nursing homes and the creation of hospital districts. History: 1959 c 570 s 7; 1973 c 123 art 5 s […]
447.38 DISSOLUTION: DETACHMENT OF TERRITORY. Subdivision 1. Dissolution; petition to board; board’s order. A hospital district created or reorganized pursuant to sections 447.31 to 447.37 may be dissolved upon a petition to the hospital district board. The petition must state the grounds for dissolution, be signed by an authorized officer or officers of the governing […]
447.41 ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION; WITHDRAWAL. Except cities of the first class, a city or town or any combination of them acting jointly may, by resolution or ordinance, establish and operate a nursing home or home for the aged, and may acquire by lease not to exceed 15 years, gift, devise, purchase, condemnation, or otherwise any […]
447.42 COMMUNITY HOUSE; DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES. Subdivision 1. Establishment. Notwithstanding any provision of Minnesota Statutes to the contrary, any city, county, town, or nonprofit corporation approved by the commissioner of human services, or any combination of them may establish and operate a community residential facility for persons with developmental disabilities or related conditions, as defined in […]
447.45 BONDS FOR HOSPITAL, NURSING HOME, RELATED FACILITIES. Subdivision 1. May include construction debt of acquired facility. A county, city, or hospital district may issue revenue bonds by resolution of its governing body to finance the acquisition and betterment of hospital, nursing home, and related medical facilities. This power is in addition to other powers […]
447.46 REVENUE PLEDGED. The county, city, or hospital district may pledge and appropriate the revenues to be derived from its operation of the facilities to pay the principal and interest on the bonds when due and to create and maintain reserves for that purpose, as a first and prior lien on the revenues or, if […]
447.47 LEASING OUT HOSPITAL, NURSING HOME, RELATED FACILITIES. (a) The county, city, or hospital district may lease hospital or nursing home facilities to be run by a nonprofit or public corporation as a community hospital or nursing home. The facilities must be open to all residents of the community on equal terms. (b) The city, […]
447.48 SECURITY FOR BONDS; PLEDGE OF CREDIT FOR BONDS. In the issuance of bonds the revenues or rentals must be pledged and appropriated by resolution for the use and benefit of bondholders generally, or may be pledged by the execution of an indenture or other appropriate instrument to a trustee for the bondholders. The site […]
447.49 MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. Bonds issued under sections 447.45 to 447.50 must be issued and sold as provided in chapter 475. If the bonds do not pledge the credit of the county, city, or hospital district as provided in section 447.48, the governing body may negotiate their sale without advertisement for bids. They shall not be […]
447.50 REFUNDING BONDS. A county, city, or hospital district may issue bonds under this chapter by resolution of its governing body to refund bonds issued for the purposes stated in this chapter. History: 1971 c 844 s 6; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1987 c 229 art 10 s 1