53.01 ORGANIZATION. It is lawful for three or more persons, who desire to form a corporation for the purpose of carrying on primarily the business of loaning money to persons within the conditions set forth in this chapter, to organize, under this chapter, an industrial loan and thrift company, by filing with the secretary of […]
53.015 DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Applicability. For the purposes of this chapter, the terms defined in this section shall have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. Surplus. “Surplus” means the sum total of all funds: (1) received as consideration in excess of the par value of preferred or common stock; and (2) transferred from undivided profits […]
53.02 CAPITAL. No corporation shall be organized under this chapter or qualified to do business thereunder with a capital represented by shares of common stock of less than $25,000 in cities with less than 50,000 people; $50,000 in cities with more than 50,000 people and less than 100,000 people; and $75,000 in cities with 100,000 […]
53.03 CERTIFICATE. Subdivision 1. Application, fee, notice. Any corporation hereafter organized as an industrial loan and thrift company, shall, after compliance with the requirements set forth in sections 53.01 and 53.02, file a written application with the Department of Commerce for a certificate of authorization. A corporation that will not sell or issue thrift certificates […]
53.04 SPECIAL POWERS. Subdivision 1. Authorization. Industrial loan and thrift companies, in addition to the general and usual powers incidental to ordinary corporations in this state, which are not specifically restricted in this chapter, shall have the special powers enumerated in subdivisions 2 to 5. Subd. 2. Discount or purchase choses in action. The right […]
53.05 POWERS, LIMITATION. No industrial loan and thrift company may do any of the following: (1) carry demand banking accounts; use the word “savings” unless the institution’s investment certificates, savings accounts, and savings deposits are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and then only if the word is not followed by the words “and […]
53.06 DIRECTORS, RESIDENCE. At least three-fourths of the directors of any industrial loan and thrift company holding a certificate that includes the right to issue thrift certificates for investment must be residents of Minnesota. History: (7774-30) 1933 c 246 s 6; 1943 c 67 s 3; 1947 c 20 s 4; 1971 c 442 s […]
53.07 RESERVE. Subdivision 1. Liquidity requirement. An industrial loan and thrift company shall maintain reserves in the form of liquid assets at a level reasonably necessary to meet anticipated withdrawals, commitments, and loan demand. Reserves shall be in cash, cash items in process of collection, short term obligations of or demand balances with other insured […]
53.08 DIVIDENDS. Subdivision 1. General conditions for dividends. When an industrial loan and thrift company is organized under this chapter or operating thereunder, the board of directors may declare a dividend of so much of the net profits of the corporation, after providing for all expenses, reserves, interest, and taxes accrued or due from the […]
53.09 OVERSIGHT AND ADMINISTRATION. Subdivision 1. General examinations. The commissioner shall make examinations for the purposes set forth in section 46.04, subdivision 1, at least once every 18 calendar months, of each authorized place of business of every industrial loan and thrift company with the right to issue thrift certificates for investment organized or operating […]
53.10 MANDATORY INSURANCE OF ACCOUNTS. Subdivision 1. Requirement for existing companies. Not later than July 1, 1987, every industrial loan and thrift company operating under this chapter with consent or holding a certificate of authorization, which includes the right to sell and issue for investment certificates of indebtedness, savings accounts, and savings deposits, shall obtain […]