463.01 BUILDING LINES, EASEMENTS; EXISTING STRUCTURES. The council of any city, including any city of this state operating under a home rule charter adopted pursuant to the Constitution of the state of Minnesota, article 4, section 36, article XI, section 4, or article XII, section 5, may establish along any street or highway within such […]
463.02 GRANT, CONDEMNATION OR DEDICATION. Such easement may be acquired by the council by purchase, by grant, or by condemnation. It may also be created by dedication by indicating such building line upon any plat hereafter recorded in the office of the county recorder of the county where the land lies; and the council shall […]
463.03 ALONG PARKS AND PARKWAYS. Any board of park commissioners having control of any park or parkway may in like manner acquire building line easements along the same, or any portion thereof. History: (1321-3) 1903 c 194 s 3
463.04 CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS FOR BUILDING LINE EASEMENTS. The easement specified in section 463.03 may be acquired by proceedings to be conducted in accordance with chapter 117 by the board of park commissioners, in case of parks and parkways controlled by a board of park commissioners, and by the city council in other cases. The term […]
463.06 PLATS; ASSESSMENT COPY TO AUDITOR; COLLECTION, PAYMENT. As soon as such condemnation proceedings have been completed, it shall be the duty of such governing body to cause plats of such improvement to be made, which shall be copies of the original plat on file, with a list of the parcels of land taken and […]
463.07 VACATION OF EASEMENT. The governing body shall have power at any time to vacate such building line easement or any portion thereof. History: (1321-7) 1903 c 194 s 7