79A.19 COMMERCIAL SELF-INSURANCE GROUPS; DEFINITIONS. Subdivision 1. Scope. For the purposes of sections 79A.19 to 79A.32, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. If there is any inconsistency between this section and section 79A.01, the provisions of this section shall govern. Subd. 2. Accountant. “Accountant” means a certified public accountant who […]
79A.20 ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS FOR COMMERCIAL SELF-INSURANCE GROUPS. Subdivision 1. Group eligibility. A commercial self-insurance group consists of two or more employers in similar industries. The commercial self-insurance group shall not incorporate or form a business trust pursuant to chapter 318. Subd. 2. Membership eligibility. A commercial self-insurance group may only admit employers who meet the […]
79A.21 COMMERCIAL SELF-INSURANCE GROUP APPLICATION. Subdivision 1. Procedure. (a) Groups proposing to become licensed as commercial self-insurance groups must complete and submit an application on a form or forms prescribed by the commissioner. (b) The commissioner shall grant or deny the group’s application to self-insure within 60 days after a complete application has been filed, […]
79A.22 COMMERCIAL SELF-INSURANCE GROUP OPERATING REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision 1. Board of directors. (a) A commercial self-insurance group shall elect a board of directors who shall have complete authority over and control of the assets of the commercial self-insurance group. The board of directors will also be responsible for all of the operations of the commercial self-insurance […]
79A.23 COMMERCIAL SELF-INSURANCE GROUP REPORTING REQUIREMENTS. Subdivision 1. Required reports to commissioner. Each commercial self-insurance group shall submit the following documents to the commissioner. (a) An annual report shall be submitted by April 1 showing the incurred losses, paid and unpaid, specifying indemnity and medical losses by classification, payroll by classification, and current estimated outstanding […]
79A.24 COMMERCIAL SELF-INSURANCE GROUP SECURITY DEPOSIT. Subdivision 1. Annual securing of liability. Each year every commercial self-insurance group shall secure its estimated future liability for the payment of compensation and the performance of the obligations of its membership imposed under chapter 176. A new deposit must be posted in the following manner: within 30 days […]
79A.25 DEFAULT OF A COMMERCIAL SELF-INSURANCE GROUP. Subdivision 1. Notice of insolvency, bankruptcy, or default. The commissioner of labor and industry shall notify the commissioner and the commercial self-insurance group security fund if the commissioner of labor and industry has knowledge that any commercial self-insurance group has failed to pay workers’ compensation benefits as required […]
79A.26 COMMERCIAL SELF-INSURANCE GROUP SECURITY FUND. Subdivision 1. Creation. The commercial self-insurance group security fund is established as a nonprofit corporation pursuant to the Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act, sections 317A.001 to 317A.909. If any provision of the Minnesota Nonprofit Corporation Act conflicts with any provision of this chapter, the provisions of this chapter apply. Each […]
79A.27 INDEMNITY AGREEMENT FORM. INDIVIDUAL AND PROPORTIONATE INDEMNITY AGREEMENT WHEREAS, (name of company) has agreed to be and has been accepted as a member of (name of commercial self-insurance group). WHEREAS, (name of company) has agreed to be bound by all of the provisions of the Minnesota Workers’ Compensation Act and all rules promulgated thereunder. […]
79A.28 OPEN MEETING; ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE ACT. The commercial self-insurance group security fund and its board of trustees shall not be subject to: (1) the Open Meeting Law, chapter 13D; (2) the Open Appointments Law; (3) the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, chapter 13; and (4) except where specifically set forth, the Administrative Procedure Act. History: […]
79A.29 RULES. The commissioner may adopt, amend, and repeal rules reasonably necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. Minnesota Rules, chapter 2780, shall apply to commercial self-insurance groups unless otherwise specified by rule. History: 1995 c 231 art 2 s 38
79A.30 GOVERNING LAW. If there is any inconsistency between sections 79A.19 to 79A.32 and any other statute or rule, the provisions of sections 79A.19 to 79A.32 shall govern with respect to commercial self-insurance groups. History: 1995 c 231 art 2 s 39
79A.31 COMMERCIAL SELF-INSURANCE GROUP SECURITY FUND MEMBERSHIP; WITHDRAWAL FROM SELF-INSURERS’ SECURITY FUND. Subdivision 1. Withdrawal. Any group self-insurer that is a member of the self-insurers’ security fund established under section 79A.09, may elect to withdraw from that fund and become a member of the commercial self-insurance group security fund established under section 79A.26. The transferring […]
79A.32 REPORTING TO LICENSED DATA SERVICE ORGANIZATIONS. Subdivision 1. [Repealed by amendment, 2006 c 255 s 71] Subd. 2. Permitted activity. Through data service organizations licensed under chapter 79, self insurers may: (1) individually, or with self-insurers commonly owned, managed, or controlled, conduct research and collect statistics to investigate, identify, and classify information relating to […]