609A.01 EXPUNGEMENT OF CRIMINAL RECORDS. This chapter provides the grounds and procedures for expungement of criminal records under section 13.82; 152.18, subdivision 1; 299C.11, where a petition is authorized under section 609A.02, subdivision 3; or other applicable law. The remedy available is limited to a court order sealing the records and prohibiting the disclosure of […]
609A.02 GROUNDS FOR ORDER. Subdivision 1. Certain controlled substance offenses. Upon the dismissal and discharge of proceedings against a person under section 152.18, subdivision 1, for violation of section 152.024, 152.025, or 152.027 for possession of a controlled substance, the person may petition under section 609A.03 for the sealing of all records relating to the […]
609A.025 NO PETITION REQUIRED IN CERTAIN CASES WITH PROSECUTOR AGREEMENT AND NOTIFICATION. (a) If the prosecutor agrees to the sealing of a criminal record, the court shall seal the criminal record for a person described in section 609A.02, subdivision 3, without the filing of a petition unless it determines that the interests of the public […]
609A.03 PETITION TO EXPUNGE CRIMINAL RECORDS. Subdivision 1. Petition; filing fee. An individual who is the subject of a criminal record who is seeking the expungement of the record shall file a petition under this section and pay a filing fee in the amount required under section 357.021, subdivision 2, clause (1). The filing fee […]
609A.04 REMEDY. An individual whose record is expunged under this chapter or other law may bring an action under section 13.08 against a government entity that knowingly opens or exchanges the expunged record in a manner not authorized by law. History: 2014 c 246 s 15