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Home » US Law » 2022 Minnesota Statutes » Chapters 85 - 87A — Recreation » Chapter 85A — Minnesota Zoo

Section 85A.001 — Purpose.

85A.001 PURPOSE. It is the intent of the legislature to foster a partnership between the private sector and the state for the purpose of operating a zoological garden. The legislature seeks to enable the Minnesota Zoological Garden to operate independently, efficiently, and economically and to be active in soliciting nonstate contributions. The legislature seeks to […]

Section 85A.01 — Creation; Organization.

85A.01 CREATION; ORGANIZATION. Subdivision 1. Creation. (a) The Minnesota Zoological Garden is established under the supervision and control of the Minnesota Zoological Board. The board consists of 30 public and private sector members having a background or interest in zoological societies or zoo management or an ability to generate community interest in the Minnesota Zoological […]

Section 85A.02 — Powers And Duties.

85A.02 POWERS AND DUTIES. Subdivision 1. Generally. The board shall possess the powers and shall be charged with the duties and responsibilities prescribed in this section. Subd. 2. Zoological garden. The board shall acquire, construct, equip, operate and maintain the Minnesota Zoological Garden at a site in Dakota County legally described in Laws 1975, chapter […]

Section 85A.04 — Zoological Garden Accounts Operating Receipts.

85A.04 ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN ACCOUNTS OPERATING RECEIPTS. Subdivision 1. Deposit. All receipts from parking and admission to the Minnesota Zoological Garden shall be deposited in the state treasury and credited to an account in the special revenue fund, and are annually appropriated to the board for operations and maintenance. Subd. 1a. [Repealed, 1979 c 333 s […]

Section 85A.05 — Minnesota Zoological Garden Bonds.

85A.05 MINNESOTA ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN BONDS. Subdivision 1. Purpose and appropriation. For the purpose of providing money appropriated to the Minnesota Zoological Board from the Minnesota Zoological Garden building account for the acquisition and betterment of public land, buildings, and improvements of a capital nature, when authorized by law and requested by the board, the commissioner […]