85B.01 PURPOSE. (a) The legislature determines that it is in the public interest and an objective of the state that its citizens and the citizens of the world be better informed about the importance of preserving and restoring the large freshwater lakes of the world, including Lake Superior. The legislature determines that an enhanced public […]
85B.02 ORGANIZATION. Subdivision 1. Establishment. The Lake Superior Center Authority is established as a public corporation. The business of the corporation must be conducted under the name “Lake Superior Center Authority.” Subd. 2. Board of directors. The corporation is governed by a board of five directors. The term of a director, except as otherwise provided […]
85B.03 POWERS. Subdivision 1. General corporate powers. (a) The corporation has the powers granted to a business corporation by section 302A.161, subdivisions 3; 4; 5; 7; 8; 9; 11; 12; 13, except that the corporation may not act as a general partner in any partnership; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; and 22; and the powers […]
85B.04 EMPLOYEES. Persons employed by contractors or lessees are not state employees and may not participate in state retirement, deferred compensation, insurance, or other plans that apply to state employees generally and are not subject to regulation by the state Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board. History: 1990 c 535 s 4; 1997 c 202 […]
85B.05 ACCOUNTS; AUDITS. The corporation may establish funds and accounts that it finds convenient. The board shall provide for and pay the cost of an independent annual audit of its official books and records by the state auditor. A copy of this audit shall be filed with the secretary of state. History: 1990 c 535 […]
85B.06 ANNUAL REPORT. (a) The board shall submit a report to the chairs of the senate Jobs, Energy and Community Development and the house of representatives Commerce, Jobs, and Economic Development Policy Committees of the legislature and the governor on the activities of the corporation and its contractors and lessees by February 1 of each […]
85B.07 PROPERTY TAX EXEMPTION. Property of the corporation is exempt from taxation on its value in the same manner as property listed in section 272.02. History: 1990 c 535 s 7
85B.08 DISSOLUTION. Upon dissolution of the corporation for any reason, its wholly owned assets become state property. Partially owned assets become state property to the extent that state money was used to acquire them. History: 1990 c 535 s 8