Effective – 28 Aug 1975 72.030. Third class cities. — All cities and towns in this state containing three thousand or more inhabitants, which shall elect to be a city of the third class, shall be cities of the third class. ——– (RSMo 1939 § 6214, A.L. 1975 H.B. 398)
Effective – 28 Aug 1982 72.040. Fourth class cities — villages may vote to become. — 1. All cities and towns in this state containing five hundred and less than three thousand inhabitants, and all towns existing under any special law, and having less than five hundred inhabitants which shall elect to be cities of […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1982 72.050. Villages — certain towns declared to be, when — villages may vote to become fourth class cities. — 1. All towns not now incorporated in this state containing less than five hundred inhabitants are hereby declared to be villages. 2. Any village in this state now or hereafter having […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1978 72.060. May cause census to be taken, when. — Any city, town or village within this state, now incorporated under the provisions of this chapter, or under any special or local law, as a village, town or city, either of the second, third or fourth classes, as classified in said […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1982 72.070. Election by city or town to become city of different class — village officers to act on becoming city. — Any city, town or village in this state, existing by virtue of the present general law, or by any local or special law, may elect to become a city […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2008, 2 histories 72.080. Cities and towns may be incorporated in their respective classes — exception, certain cities must comply with boundary change law — exception, Cass County — owners of majority of certain class of property may object to incorporation, cause of action — definition — contents of petition. — […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1939 72.090. Unincorporated city entitled to become third class city — may incorporate and adopt commission form, when. — Provided, that any city or town of the state of Missouri, not incorporated, having sufficient population to entitle it to become a city of the third class, in making application for incorporation […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1978 72.100. City or town situated on county line. — Provided, that when any city, town or other area is or may be situated on the county line, and in two counties, the petition shall be signed by a number of voters equal to fifteen percent of the votes cast in […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1949 72.110. Jurisdiction to remain same. — The jurisdiction of any city which shall be reorganized under this chapter shall not in any wise be affected or changed in consequence of such reorganization, but such limits, wards and boundaries shall remain after such reorganization the same as before such reorganization; and […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1939 72.120. Rights of property retained. — All rights and property of every kind and description, which were vested in any city under its former organization, shall be deemed and held to be vested in such city upon its becoming reorganized as provided in sections 72.090 to 72.110, but no rights […]
Effective – 15 May 2003 72.130. No incorporation within two miles of existing city, where, exceptions. — Except as provided in sections 72.400 to 72.420, no city, town, village or other area shall be organized within this state under and by virtue of any law thereof, adjacent to or within two miles of the limits […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1971 72.132. Signers to state name, address and date when signing petition — time limit on petition. — 1. Every inhabitant signing such petition shall state his street address or rural post-office box number and route together with the month, day and year on which he affixed his signature thereto. 2. […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1978 72.135. Resubmission within year prohibited. — No such question shall be resubmitted for substantially the same area within one year after defeat of the question. ——– (L. 1971 H.B. 28, A.L. 1978 H.B. 971)
Effective – 28 Aug 1939 72.140. Reorganization to take effect, when — officers hold, how long. — Any city which may organize under this chapter shall continue as before in every respect with all former rights and obligations until the time fixed for such reorganization to take effect; and all its officers and employees shall […]