Effective – 28 Aug 1985 78.700. Optional city manager form of government — procedure to adopt, election, ballot form. — As an alternative to the city manager form of government described in sections 78.430 to 78.640, any city of the third class, or any city with a population entitling it to become a city of […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1985 78.703. City may abandon plan, when — procedure, election, ballot form. — Any city which has operated under the provisions of sections 78.700 to 78.720 not less than six years may abandon the form of organization provided for herein, by proceeding as follows: Upon the petition of not less than […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1985 78.706. City to be divided into five wards, procedure. — If a majority of the votes cast on the question of adoption are in favor of adopting the optional form of government provided in sections 78.700 to 78.720, the existing council shall by ordinance divide the city into five wards […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1985 78.712. Council to consist of seven members, qualifications — term, vacancies, how filled — quorum. — 1. If a city adopts the optional city manager form of government, the council shall consist of seven members, and all persons now eligible for the position of councilman under the laws governing cities […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1985 78.720. Other applicable procedures for optional plan — councilmen, nomination and election — eligible voters — statement of candidacy, contents — ballot form. — Except as otherwise provided in sections 78.700 to 78.720, the provisions of sections 78.430 to 78.640 shall apply to the adoption, implementation, or abandonment of the […]