US Lawyer Database

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Section 88.667 – Condemnation of private property.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.667. Condemnation of private property. — Private property may be taken by cities of the fourth class, for public use, for the purpose of establishing, opening, widening, extending or altering any street, avenue, alley, wharf, creek, river, watercourse, marketplace, public park, or public square, and for establishing market houses and […]

Section 88.670 – Public improvements — powers.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.670. Public improvements — powers. — 1. The cities coming under the provisions of sections 88.667 to 88.773 in their corporate capacities are authorized and empowered to enact ordinances for the following purposes in addition to the other powers granted by law: (1) To levy and collect taxes for general […]

Section 88.673 – Board may open and vacate streets.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.673. Board may open and vacate streets. — The board of aldermen shall have power to create, open and improve any public square, public park, street, avenue, alley or other highway, old or new, and also to vacate or discontinue the same whenever deemed necessary or expedient; provided, that all […]

Section 88.677 – Public improvements — cost, how paid.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.677. Public improvements — cost, how paid. — The cost of bringing to grade all streets, avenues, alleys and other highways, and for the building of bridges, culverts, public sewers and footwalks across streets, avenues, alleys and other public highways, shall be paid out of the general revenue fund of […]

Section 88.680 – Street improvements — cost, how paid.

Effective – 28 Aug 1945 88.680. Street improvements — cost, how paid. — The cost of paving, macadamizing, guttering and curbing (where such curb is set out into the street beyond the sidewalks) all streets, avenues, alleys and other highways, or any part thereof or any connection therewith, and repairing the same, and for doing […]

Section 88.683 – Street crossing improvements — special assessment.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.683. Street crossing improvements — special assessment. — The cost of paving or macadamizing the squares and areas as formed by the crossing or meeting of streets and other highways, or parts thereof or connections therewith, shall be levied as a special assessment, and paid for as follows: Such area […]

Section 88.703 – Street repairs — cost, how paid.

Effective – 28 Aug 1971 88.703. Street repairs — cost, how paid. — No formality shall be required to authorize the repairing of sidewalks, or of street or other paving, curbing, guttering, macadamizing or part thereof, or reconstructing the same, and making assessments therefor; but the proper officer or committee on improvements may, without notice, […]

Section 88.710 – Sidewalk improvements — cost, how paid.

Effective – 28 Aug 1949 88.710. Sidewalk improvements — cost, how paid. — The board of aldermen shall have power, by ordinance, to provide for and require the building and repairing of sidewalks and sidewalk curbing along any streets, avenues or highways of such city, the cost thereof to be levied as a special assessment […]

Section 88.713 – Condemnation of sidewalks.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.713. Condemnation of sidewalks. — In addition to the powers herein granted, the board of aldermen may, by ordinance or resolution, condemn wooden and defective sidewalks, and may remove walks so condemned, and may provide for the construction of new sidewalks in the place of walks so condemned and removed. […]

Section 88.743 – County property subject to city ordinances.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.743. County property subject to city ordinances. — All real estate owned by a county and situate within the corporate limits of any city of the fourth class shall be subject to the provisions of all ordinances of such city which relate to the erection and maintenance of hitching posts, […]

Section 88.747 – Improvements, county property — duty of county commission.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.747. Improvements, county property — duty of county commission. — It shall be the duty of the county commission whenever any of the improvements of the property set out in section 88.743 is required by ordinance, to forthwith make such improvement fronting or abutting any real estate owned by the […]

Section 88.750 – Procedure upon failure of county commission to make improvements.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.750. Procedure upon failure of county commission to make improvements. — If the county commission shall fail, neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of any ordinance providing for the improvement of property as provided in sections 88.743 and 88.747, for a period of sixty days after notice has […]

Section 88.767 – Sewage reduction device — assessment.

Effective – 28 Aug 1939 88.767. Sewage reduction device — assessment. — Whenever the city shall deem it necessary, it may, by ordinance, provide for the construction of a septic tank or other sewage reduction device for the purpose of purifying the discharge from any district or joint district sewer. In such case the cost […]

Section 88.773 – Water supply — contracts.

Effective – 28 Aug 1989 88.773. Water supply — contracts. — 1. The board of aldermen may make contracts with any person, association or corporation, either private or municipal, for furnishing the city with water, and for supplying fire hydrants and public fountains, but no such contract shall be made for a longer time than […]