Effective – 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories 190.400. Definitions — interoperability service agreements, what agencies. — 1. As used in sections 190.400 to 190.460, the following words and terms shall mean: (1) “Active telephone number”, a ten-digit North American Numbering Plan number that has been assigned to a subscriber and is provisioned to generally reach, […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2018, 2 histories 190.420. Fund established. — 1. There is hereby established a special trust fund to be known as the “Missouri 911 Service Trust Fund”. All fees collected pursuant to sections 190.400 to 190.460 shall be remitted to the director of the department of revenue. 2. The director of the […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2017 190.450. Department to complete study, issue plan for provision of best 911 technology and services statewide. — By December 31, 2017, the department of public safety shall complete a study of the number of public safety answering points necessary to provide the best possible 911 technology and service to all […]
Effective – 09 Jul 2019, 2 histories 190.455. Subscriber fees — election, ballot — deposit of moneys — confidentiality of proprietary information — immunity from liability, when — limitations on fees. — 1. Except as provided under subsection 10 of this section, in lieu of the tax levy authorized under section 190.305 or 190.325, or […]
Effective – 09 Jul 2019, 2 histories 190.460. Prepaid wireless emergency telephone service charge — definitions — amount, how collected — deposit and use of moneys — rates, how set — effective date. — 1. As used in this section, the following terms mean: (1) “Board”, the Missouri 911 service board established under section 650.325; […]
Effective – 09 Jul 2019 190.462. Pre-emption of taxes by declaratory ruling — definitions — effect of — expiration date. — 1. As used in this section, the following terms mean: (1) “All retail sales subject to sales tax”, tangible personal property and services subject to the tax imposed by section* 190.292 or 190.335; (2) […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2018 190.465. Consolidation of emergency communications operations — joint entity established, when. — 1. In order to provide the best possible 911 technology and service to all areas of the state in the most efficient and economical manner possible, it is the public policy of this state to encourage the consolidation […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2018 190.470. Alternate consolidation — petition, election — board appointed, requirements. — 1. As an alternative to the procedure provided in section 190.465, two or more 911 central dispatch centers that are organized under sections 190.327 to 190.329 or section 190.335 and funded by public taxes may consolidate into one 911 […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2018 190.475. Centralized database to be maintained, updates. — The director of the department of revenue shall maintain a centralized database, which shall be made available to the Missouri 911 service board established under section 650.325, specifying the current monthly fee or tax imposed by each county or city under section […]