Effective – 28 Aug 1993 260.005. Definitions. — As used in sections 260.005 to 260.125, the following words and terms mean: (1) “Authority”, the state environmental improvement and energy resources authority created by sections 260.005 to 260.125; (2) “Bonds”, bonds issued by the authority pursuant to the provisions of sections 260.005 to 260.125; (3) “Cost”, […]
Effective – 30 Apr 1982 260.010. Authority created. — There is hereby created and established as a governmental instrumentality of the state of Missouri, the “State Environmental Improvement and Energy Resources Authority”, which shall constitute a body corporate and politic. ——– (L. 1972 H.B. 1041 § 2, A.L. 1982 S.B. 506) Effective 4-30-82
Effective – 28 Aug 1993 260.015. Purpose of authority. — The authority is authorized to provide for the conservation of the air, land and water resources of the state by the prevention or reduction of the pollution thereof and proper methods of disposal of solid waste or sewage and to provide for the furnishing of […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1973 260.020. Membership of authority, appointed how, terms, quorum. — The authority shall consist of five members appointed by the governor, by and with the consent of the senate. A member’s authority to act shall commence upon receiving the advice and consent of the senate, if the senate is in session, […]
Effective – 22 Jan 1973 260.025. Officers, how selected. — The authority shall elect one of its members as chairman and another as vice chairman and shall appoint a secretary and a treasurer, which offices may be combined, and who need not be members of the authority. ——– (L. 1972 H.B. 1041 § 5) Effective […]
Effective – 22 Jan 1973 260.030. Compensation and expenses. — Each member of the authority shall be entitled to compensation of twenty-five dollars per diem, plus their reasonable and necessary expenses actually incurred in discharging their duties under the provisions of sections 260.005 to 260.090. ——– (L. 1972 H.B. 1041 § 6) Effective 1-22-73
Effective – 28 Aug 2019, 2 histories 260.035. Powers of authority — authority employee membership in state employees’ retirement system. — 1. The authority is hereby granted and may exercise all powers necessary or appropriate to carry out and effectuate its purposes pursuant to the provisions of sections 260.005 to 260.125, including, but not limited […]
Effective – 30 Apr 1982 260.040. Revenue bonds, issued when — sale, limitations — procedure — rate. — The authority may at any time issue revenue bonds for the purpose of paying any part of the cost of any project or part thereof. Every issue of its bonds shall be payable out of the revenues […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1985 260.045. Notes issued when, how sold. — The authority may issue notes payable from the proceeds of bonds to be issued in the future or from such other sources as the authority may specify as in the case of bonds. Such notes shall mature in not more than five years […]
Effective – 22 Jan 1973 260.050. Renewal notes or refunding bonds issued when. — The authority may from time to time issue renewal notes or refund any bonds by the issuance of refunding bonds, whether the bonds to be refunded have or have not matured, and to issue bonds partially to refund bonds then outstanding […]
Effective – 22 Jan 1973 260.055. Resolution authorizing notes or bonds, contents of. — Any resolution authorizing any notes or bonds may contain such provisions, covenants and agreements subject to any provisions, covenants and agreements with the holders of bonds or notes then outstanding as the authority determines necessary. Such provisions, covenants and agreements may […]
Effective – 22 Jan 1973 260.060. Resolution may provide for trust agreements. — A resolution of the authority authorizing the issuance of any notes or bonds or any issue thereof may provide that such notes or bonds shall be secured by a trust agreement between the authority and a corporate trustee, vesting in such trustee […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1985 260.065. Notes and bonds not an indebtedness of the state. — Notes and bonds issued hereunder shall not constitute an indebtedness of the state and the state shall not be liable on such bonds and notes and the form of such bonds and notes shall contain a statement to such […]
Effective – 22 Jan 1973 260.070. Notes and bonds approved as investments — who may invest. — The notes and bonds of the authority are securities in which all public officers and bodies of this state and all municipalities and municipal subdivisions, all insurance companies and associations and other persons carrying on an insurance business, […]
Effective – 22 Jan 1973 260.075. Projects subject to taxation — notes, bonds and their income tax free, exceptions. — Projects acquired, constructed, reconstructed, enlarged, improved, furnished, equipped, maintained, repaired, operated, leased, financed or sold by the authority pursuant to sections 260.005 to 260.090 shall be subject to all real and tangible personal property taxes […]
Effective – 22 Jan 1973 260.080. Funds of authority not to be distributed to members or private persons, except for compensation for services. — No part of the funds of the authority shall inure to the benefit of or be distributable to its members or other private persons except that the authority is authorized and […]
Effective – 22 Jan 1973 260.085. Termination or dissolution, property to pass to state. — Upon termination or dissolution, all rights and properties of the authority shall pass to and be vested in the state of Missouri, subject to the rights of noteholders, bondholders, and other creditors. ——– (L. 1972 H.B. 1041 § 17) Effective […]
Effective – 30 Apr 1982 260.090. Proposed expenditure of federal funds in coming fiscal year requires itemized report to appropriations and the oversight division, committee on legislative research. — On or before the first Wednesday after the first Monday in January of each year, if the state environmental improvement and energy resources authority desires to […]
Effective – 28 Aug 1985 260.095. Contracts between authority and political subdivisions, purpose. — Any municipality, public body, political subdivision or municipal corporation may enter into leases, contracts, releases, compromises and loan agreements with the authority for the purpose of developing energy resources or preventing or reducing pollution or the disposal of solid waste or […]
Effective – 30 Apr 1982 260.100. Authority member not personally liable on notes or bonds issued. — No member of the state environmental improvement and energy resources authority or any authorized person executing any notes or bonds authorized under sections 260.005 to 260.125 shall be liable personally on the notes or bonds or be subject […]