Effective – 04 Nov 2008, 2 histories 393.1020. Citation of law. — Sections 393.1025 and* 393.1030 shall be known as the “Renewable Energy Standard”. ——– (L. 2007 S.B. 54, A.L. 2008 Adopted by Initiative, Proposition C, November 4, 2008) *Word “to” appears in original rolls.
Effective – 28 Aug 2018, 4 histories 393.1025. Definitions. — As used in sections 393.1020 to 393.1030, the following terms mean: (1) “Commission”, the public service commission; (2) “Department”, the department of economic development; (3) “Electric utility”, any electrical corporation as defined by section 386.020; (4) “Renewable energy credit” or “REC”, a tradeable certificate of […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2018, 5 histories 393.1030. Electric utilities, portfolio requirements — tracking requirements — rebate offers — certification of electricity generated — rulemaking authority. — 1. The commission shall, in consultation with the department, prescribe by rule a portfolio requirement for all electric utilities to generate or purchase electricity generated from renewable energy […]
Effective – 01 Jan 2008 393.1040. Encouragement of reduced consumption, objective of act. — In addition to the renewable energy objectives set forth in sections 393.1025, 393.1030, and 393.1035, it is also the policy of this state to encourage electrical corporations to develop and administer energy efficiency initiatives that reduce the annual growth in energy […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2008 393.1045. Cap on increase in retail charges based on renewable mandates. — Any renewable mandate required by law shall not raise the retail rates charged to the customers of electric retail suppliers by an average of more than one percent in any year, and all the costs associated with any […]
Effective – 28 Aug 2008 393.1050. Electrical corporations achieving certain level of renewable energy technology nameplate capacity exempt from certain fees and rebates. — Notwithstanding any other provision of law, any electrical corporation as defined by subdivision (15)* of section 386.020 which, by January 20, 2009, achieves an amount of eligible renewable energy technology nameplate […]